We want to use the noncommercial compilers on gtlab (earlier victorio). In order to do list, we must change the compilers, the lookup program, and recompile the fsts. The process is: # Compile files with new compilers and move to /opt/newcompiler_smi # Change path to compiler in conf.pl from c-fsm to /usr/local/bin # Move opt/newcompiler_smi to opt/smi When they are all in place we move the reference to compilers and lookup in {{conf.pl}}. here is an overview. Files in newcompiler_smi newer than 22 07:02 have been updated (and marked {{ok}} below). * /opt/smi/bxr/bin/: ** bxr.fst -- ok ** ibxr.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/ciw/bin/: ** ciw.fst -- ok ** iciw.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/common/bin/: ** allcaps.fst -- ** geo.fst -- ok ** ped-sme.fst -- * /opt/smi/cor/bin/: ** cor.fst -- ok ** icor.fst -- ok ** orth-cor.fst -- ok ** orth-kor.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/fao/bin/: ** fao.fst -- ok ** ifao.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/fin/bin/: ** clock-fin.fst -- ok ** fin.fst -- ok ** fin-inum.fst -- ok ** fin-num.fst -- ok ** iclock-fin.fst -- ok ** ifin.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/ipk/bin/: ** iipk.fst -- ok ** ipk.fst -- ok ** orth-ipk.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/kal/bin/: ** 2009 hyph-kal.fst -- ok ** 2010 ikal.fst -- ok ** 2010 kal.fst -- ok ** 2009 orth-kal.fst -- ok (but not yet in newinfra!) ** 2009 phon-kal.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/kom/bin/: ** ikom.fst -- ok ** kom.fst -- ok ** kom-num.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/mhr/bin/: ** imhr.fst -- ok ** mhr.fst -- ok ** mhr-num.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/myv/bin/: ** imyv.fst -- ok (note that the russian tags was lost in ths conversion) ** latintag-myv.fst -- ** myv.fst -- ok ** myv-num.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/nno/bin/: ** nno-num.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/rus/bin/: ** clock-rus.fst -- ok ** date-rus.fst -- ok ** iclock-rus.fst -- ok ** idate-rus.fst -- ok ** rus-inum.fst -- ok ** rus-num.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/sjd/bin/: ** clock-sjd.fst -- ok ** date-sjd.fst -- ok ** iclock-sjd.fst -- ok ** idate-sjd.fst -- ok ** isjd.fst -- ok ** sjd.fst -- ok ** sjd-inum.fst -- ok ** sjd-num.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/sje/bin/: ** isje.fst -- ok ** sje.fst -- ok ** sje-num.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/sma/bin/: ** clock-sma.fst -- ok ** date-sma.fst -- ok ** hyphrules-sma.fst -- ok (hyphenation.xfst) ** hyph-sma.fst -- ** iclock-sma.fst -- ok ** idate-sma.fst -- ok ** isma.fst -- ok ** isma-L.restr.fst -- ** isma-norm.fst -- ** isma-SO.restr.fst -- ** ped-sma.fst -- ** phon-sma.fst -- ok ** sma.fst -- ok ** sma-inum.fst -- ok ** sma-L.restr.save -- ** sma-norm.fst -- ** sma-num.fst -- ok ** typos.fst -- * /opt/smi/sme/bin/: ** clock-sme.fst -- ok ** date-sme.fst -- ok ** hyphrules-sme.fst -- ** hyph-sme.fst -- ok ** hyph-sme.save -- ok ** iclock-sme.fst -- ok ** idate-sme.fst -- ok ** isme.fst -- ok ** isme-GG.restr.fst -- ok ** isme-KJ.restr.fst -- ** isme-norm.fst -- ok ** isme-restr.fst -- ** oahpa-isme-norm.fst -- ok ** ped-sme.fst -- ok ** phon-sme.fst -- ok ** pos-sme.fst -- ok ** sme.fst -- ok ** sme-inum.fst -- ok ** smenob.fst -- ** sme-norm.fst -- ok ** sme-num.fst -- ok ** s-sme.fst -- ok ** typos.fst -- ok ** valency-sme.fst -- ok ** val-sme.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/smj/bin/: ** hyph-smj.fst -- ok ** iclock-smj.fst -- ok ** ismj.fst -- ok ** ismj-norm.fst -- XXX in newinfra? ** smj.fst -- ok ** smj-num.fst -- ok ** typos.fst -- * /opt/smi/smn/bin/: ** clock-smn.fst -- ok ** date-smn.fst -- ok ** iclock-smn.fst -- ok ** idate-smn.fst -- ok ** ismn.fst -- ok ** smn.fst -- ok ** smn-num.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/sms/bin/: ** isms.fst -- ok ** sms.fst -- ok ** sms-num.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/udm/bin/: ** iudm.fst -- ok ** udm.fst -- ok * /opt/smi/yrk/bin/: ** yrk-num.fst -- ok ** yrk-num.fst.commercial -- ok