Two speller server instances run on the [|] server, one for saami languages, the other one for non-saami languages. A web editor with the saami spellers is found at [], and also at [|] A web editor with the non-saami spellers is found at [], and also at [|] The speller servers runs on the [|] server. The saami one is run from the account {{spellerserver}}, the non-saami one is run from the account {{morespellerservers}}. Both have [screen|] instances running. The code for the server is found at [github|]. !!!Log in, attach to screen, exit screen # Log in to the account. # Attach to the {{screen}} instance: {{screen -RD}} # Use nvm: {{nvm use stable}} # Do whatever work is needed. # When done, exit {{screen}} by pressing {{Ctrl-a, Shift-d, Shift-d}} !!!How ck-ospell was installed # {{git clone}} # {{cd ck-ospell}} # {{git submodule init}} # {{git submodule update}} # Alternatively, change port from 3000 to something else in server.js # {{CXX=clang++-mp-3.4 npm install}} !!!Run server {{{ npm start }}} !!!How to update a speller # Log in to the account, attach to {{screen}} by screen -RD # Go to the screen where the server is not running {{ctrl a SPACE}} # check the age of the relevant language # copy from your local machine a newer speller: \\ {{scp tools/spellcheckers/fstbased/desktop/hfst/smn.zhfst}} # check it got the new date # go the screen where the server is running {{ctrl a SPACE}} # Stop the server {{ctrl c}} # Start the server with {{npm start}} # exit {{ctrl a SHIFT D shift D}} !!!How to install a new language # Log in to the account, attach to {{screen}} # {{Ctrl-c}} (stop the speller server) # Copy a .zhfst file to the etc directory, e.g. {{curl -o etc/.zhfst}} # {{npm start}} !!!Update ck-ospell # Log in to the account, attach to {{screen}} # {{Ctrl-c}} (stop the speller server) # {{git pull}} # {{npm install}} # {{npm start}} !!!Depending on particular branches/commits ck-ospells dependencies are specified in package.json. More info can be found in [package.json/npm documentation|]. !!Depending on a particular commit {{{ "hfst-ospell-js": "git://", }}} [Example commit on github|] !!Depending on a particular branch {{{ "hfst-ospell-js": "git://", }}} [Example commit on github|]