!!!Build problems in $GTHOME/xtdoc/gtuit Our documentation should be __validated__ before checking in. Do the following * cd $GTHOME/xtdoc/gtuit # (for the giellatekno docu): * cd $GTHOME/ped/ # (for the icall documentation) Then run the debugging command: {{{ forrest validate }}} It will return BUILD SUCCESSFUL or BUILD FAILED. When encountering problems like this: {{{ BUILD FAILED /Users/boerre/Documents/forrest/main/targets/validate.xml:135: Could not validate document /Users/boerre/main/xtdoc/gtuit/src/documentation/content/xdocs/doc/lang/sme/build/tmp/plugins-1.xml }}} it means that the build process in $GTHOME/langs/sme has left garbage that forrest doesn't like Clean it up using this command (cut and paste into your terminal window): {{{ cd $GTHOME/langs; for i in `echo */`; do cd $i/doc; make clean; cd $GTHOME/langs ; done }}}