There are typically two maintenance cases. You want to: * set some (default) {{svn:ignore}} on a new directory * change the {{svn:ignore}} on a directory from the default/existing to something new Both will be described below. __Two notes before you begin:__ Make sure the variable GIELLA_TEMPLATES is set in your .profile file. If not, add export GIELLA_TEMPLATES=/path/to/$GTHOME/giella-templates/langs-templates to .profile. Your {{langs/Makefile}} may be outdated. If in doubt, update it. In your {{*langs/}} catalogue, do the following: {{{ ./ && ./configure }}} Then you should be ready to begin. !!!Set svn:ignore The following two commands update the {{svn:ignore}} property for all dirs in all languages in the {{langs/}} catalogue are (do {{cd startup-langs}} etc for the others): {{{ cd langs/ make svnignores }}} !!How it works The {{make}} target loops over all languages defined in the {{make}} variable {{ALL_LANGS}} in the file {{langs/}}, checks that the language directory exists, and then calls a template-specific shell script ({{$GIELLA_CORE/scripts/}} in the case of {{langs/}} dirs, {{$GIELLA_CORE/scripts/}} in the case of {{prooftesting/}} dirs). After you have run the above commands, all dirs will have updated {{svn:ignore}} properties, but usually this applies only to one or a few dirs per language - all the other directories got updated to the same ignore patterns that they already had. !!Default ignore pattern The following snippet shows the default ignore pattern for the {{langs}} type of {{svn:ignore}}: {{{ mkfiles="Makefile" # [...] fstfiles="*fst *.hfstol *.foma *.bin *.bcg3" }}} !!Issues There are some dirs that have manually set {{svn:ignore}} properties. At the moment these dirs must be manually reverted before the whole {{svn:ignore}} update is committed. __Please__ review the changes before committing them! !!!Change svn:ignore To change the actual ignore patterns, you must change the shell scripts that set them. They are the ones mentioned earlier: * {{$GTCORE/scripts/}} * {{$GTCORE/scripts/}} They are applied to the template type as indicated by the last part of their filename ({{langs}} or {{prooftesting}}). Open the desired file, edit it following the code structure that is there, and when done, run the svn:ignore commands described above. Look for the name of the folder you want to change {{svn:ignore}} for, and add the required strings. __NB!__ Remember to commit the changes to these scripts after you have edited them! And do commit the changes to each and every catalogue that got new ignore patterns.