!!!jenkins on Fedora 23 !!Setup jenkins repository https://jenkins.io/ Click link «Download weekly release, 2.6 war, fedora» Leads to: http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat/ Add the repository as instructed on the page !!Install and start jenkins * sudo dnf install jenkins * systemctl enable jenkins.service * systemctl start jenkins * jenkins now exists on http://localhost:8080 * No source code management, installed git and svn plugins from http://localhost:8080/pluginManager/ !!Setup first job * http://localhost:8080 * Click create new jobs * CorpusTools as Item name, freestyle project, Ok * Fill in description * Under «Source Code Management», setup subversion fetching * Under Build, write the following script: {{{ PYENV_HOME=$WORKSPACE/.pyenv/ # Delete previously built virtualenv if [ -d $PYENV_HOME ]; then rm -rf $PYENV_HOME fi # Create virtualenv and install necessary packages virtualenv --no-site-packages $PYENV_HOME . $PYENV_HOME/bin/activate rsync -q /home/boerre/repos/CorpusTools/requirements.txt . pip install --quiet --upgrade pip pip install --quiet lxml pip install --quiet nosexcover pip install --quiet pylint pip install --quiet --upgrade -r requirements.txt pip install --quiet -e . pip install --quiet $WORKSPACE/ # where your setup.py lives nosetests --with-xcoverage --with-xunit --cover-package=corpustools --cover-erase pylint -f parseable corpustools/ | tee pylint.out }}} !!sma setup First setup a new item, follow the instructions above In source code management, add giella-core and sma. Set giella-core and sma as local module directories. Under build step, add execute shell The following shell runs the build process of sma {{{ # make .bashrc, sma's autogen needs it touch .bashrc # setup giella-core cd $WORKSPACE/giella-core ./autogen.sh ./configure # setup sma cd $WORKSPACE/sma HOME=$WORKSPACE GTLANG_sma=`pwd` ./autogen.sh -l HOME=$WORKSPACE PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin GTCORE=$WORKSPACE/giella-core ./configure PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin make -j4 PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin make check }}}