!!!Remaking make using GNU autotools? [http://sources.redhat.com/automake/automake.html] Remake principles: * split and divide - smaller units are easier to manage * separation of concerns - applications and basic language tools are separate beasts * reuse others knowledge and experience My observations & conclusions so far: * the autotools try to solve exactly the same problem, only for a different domain * the autotools are actually used to compile the HFST transducers (se, fi, fr, ...) * there's a whole body of experience out there * so why not use these tools? Implications: * one makefile for each dir * nested buildling * template for populating After some discussion, with pointers to alternatives and to discussions on the about problems with the autotools set, we settled on [CMake|http://www.cmake.org] as our first attempt at creating a more sane build infrastructure. Download: http://cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html An example of a CMake dependency + build instruction: {{{ PROJECT(Document) IF(LATEX_COMPILE) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${Document_BINARY_DIR}/TDocument.dvi DEPENDS ${Document_BINARY_DIR}/TDocument.tex COMMAND ${LATEX_COMPILE} ARGS ${Document_SOURCE_DIR}/TDocument.tex ) ENDIF(LATEX_COMPILE) IF(DVIPDF_COMPILE) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${Document_BINARY_DIR}/TDocument.pdf DEPENDS ${Document_BINARY_DIR}/TDocument.dvi COMMAND ${DVIPDF_COMPILE} ARGS ${Document_SOURCE_DIR}/TDocument.dvi ) ENDIF(DVIPDF_COMPILE) }}} So, we could try to do something concrete, e.g. build some part of {{sme}} using cmake.