!!!What is Nikola [Nikola|http://getnikola.com] is a static site generator written in Python 3. Our [Indigenous langtech site|http://indigenous-langtech.uit.no] uses Nikola for generating the content of that site. !!How to install Nikola Installing Nikola makes it convenient to make new pages and posts and to have a look at the content of the site. {{{ pip3 install --user Nikola pip3 install --user "Nikola[extras]" }}} If pip3 does not exist, write {{{ pip3 }}} then press tab to get the minor version. !Help! I don't have pip3 If you don't have any pip3.x version, run {{{ port search pip|grep py3 }}} Install the newest possible one (mine is py36-pip) {{{ sudo port install py36-pip }}} Then do {{{ port select --list python3 }}} Again, use the highest version (mine is python36) {{{ sudo port select --set python3 python36 }}} You should now be ready to install nikola. !!How to use !Getting access to the site content To make Nikola work as {{forrest run}}, do {{{ cd $GTHOME/xtdoc/indigenous-langtech nikola auto }}} Open http://localhost:8000 and see the front page reveal itself in all it's glory. !Edit the frontpage {{{ open pages/index.rst }}} !Making new site pages Make sure you are in {{$GTHOME/xtdoc/indigenous-langtech}} Run {{{ nikola new_page }}} nikola tells you to fill in some basic information, then quits and tells where the page is found. Open and edit the new page by running {{{ open }}} When done editing, remember to check it in. !Making new blog page Make sure you are in {{$GTHOME/xtdoc/indigenous-langtech}} Run {{{ nikola new_post }}} nikola tells you to fill in some basic information, then quits and tells where the page is found. Open and edit the new page by running {{{ open }}} When done editing, remember to check it in. The blog posting appears under the blog link. !More info in Nikola * [The Nikola handbook|https://getnikola.com/handbook.html] * [The Nikola-as-site documentation|https://getnikola.com/creating-a-site-not-a-blog-with-nikola.html] This info was used to make the indigenous-langtech site. * [Nikolas official site|https://getnikola.com]