Services to keep an eye on after system restarts - because they need to be operative all the time: * svn-server * sá * our web pages (and their automatic updating) * the termwiki * bugzilla * iChat/Jabber * SubEthaEdit For each service, after a system restart you may have to do some manual work to ensure they are actually working. Please see below. !!!svn-server Nothing to do. !!!sá !!eXist If the server has stopped, restart it: cd /home/tomi/exist/ ./bin/ Check address {{}} if it returns JSON response. If server is running, and no response is received, open eXide {{}} and open&save an xquery module at apps/satni/modules/ Above process helps most of the times. If it doesn't, there is most likely a bug to be solved. !!Nginx Front-end resides on the same server as neahttadigisánit. Restarting nginx should be enough. !!!our web pages (and their automatic updating) The sites * * * * * * Have a look at [the info about the xserve|../xserve.html#Web+sites]. To manually update the sites, run the commands found above in the crontab entries. !!!the termwiki Have a look at [the info about gtsvn|../gtsvn.html]. !!!bugzilla If does not work, then one must restart mysql. Have a look at [the info about the xserve|../xserve.html#Restart+mysql+on+the+xserve]. !!!iChat/Jabber Have a look at [the info about the xserve|../xserve.html#Jabber]. !!!SubEthaEdit Have a look at [the info about the xserve|../xserve.html#SubEthaEdit].