!!!Requirements The svn setup requires a few things on the server: * apache http server - that is, a full web server, and port 80 open * discusss the svn setup with the IT guys: ** can we do it? ** more external access - is that ok? * some additional httpd plugins * we want restricted access to some parts of the repo (basically the polderland directories, since some of the content there is under legal embargo) Access methods: * http://-tilgang for alle (dvs anonym) - visse katalogar blokkert - berre les * https://-tilgang for registrerte brukarar - visse katalogar ev. blokkert for nokre brukarar, les-skriv !!Users * from the OS (such that users in a certain group is automatically included) * from an AuthUser list/file (to allow "random" external users write access) Find out what httpd modules are needed to support such a setup.