Instead of compiling the tools yourself (as described elsewhere on these pages), you may also __download ready-compiled analysers for text analysis__. This page explains how: When you have downloaded the files (cf. the __Download...__ links below), you should run the following command in a terminal window: {{{ cat yourtextfile.txt | hfst-tokenise -cg fin.pmhfst | vislcg3 -g fin.cg3 }}} The textfile is sent through a two-step analysis: First through the morphological analyser __fin.pmhfst__, by using the support program __hfst-tokenise__. The flag ''-cg'' ensures constraint grammar output format. Thereafter the output is disambiguated with the disambiguator fin.cg3, by using the support program vislcg3. The flag ''-g'' identifies the file ''fin.cg3'' as the grammar file. In order to see more options, you may write ''hfst-tokenise -h'' and ''vislcg3 -h''. !!!Download the required support programs __On Mac:__ {{{ curl > chmod a+x sudo ./ }}} __On Linux ubuntu:__ {{{ wget -O - | sudo bash sudo apt-get -f install apertium-all-dev }}} !!!Download the analyser and disambiguator: You will need both morphology and syntax. We use fin as an example: __Morphological analyser:__ {{{ curl > fin.pmhfst }}} __Syntactic disambiguator:__ {{{ curl > fin.cg3 }}} Replace the language code __fin__ with the language you want (note! the language code is mentioned __twice__ in the commands above, replace both!): * __sme__: North Saami * __sma__: South Saami * __smn__: Inari Saami * __nob__: Norwegian Bokmål * __olo__: Olonets * __fao__: Faroese * __rus__: Russian More languages may be added upon request, from [this list|]. !!More download platforms: __Windows:__ [Install a Linux shell|]. It is not too complicated, but requires admin rights on your machine. Thereafter, execute the commands for Linux ubuntu above. __Linux fedora (e.g. on gtlab):__ {{{ curl |sudo bash sudo apt-get -f install apertium-all-devel }}}