This page explains how to fetch whole Wikipedias as raw text !!!Do the following: # Find the language code for the language you want: It is the two-letter ISO code (__se__, etc.). If the language has no two-letter code, use the 3-letter code. # Go to the download page. The URL is [|] will give you North Sámi, exchange the __se__ in ''sewiki'' with the language code you want. # In the list that follows, choose the last one __before__ ''latest/''. The latest one is the same as the one with the last dates (it is just a stable url), the download headers are more nicely formatted in the last dated link. # Download the .bz2 file found under the header __Articles, templates, image descriptions, and primary meta-pages.__ This will give you the articles. \\ If you want revision history (e.g. for spellchecker testing), you need ''All pages with complete edit history'' (this use is not documented). # When downloaded, open the .bz2 file. # Extract it with the script '''' (which is in your path, in $GTHOME/gt/script/corpus/. The script has a --help option explaining usage. # The output is xml. If you want clean text, you may strip the tags with some command, e.g. this one: {{{ ... | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g;' | ... }}} For convenience, we often store the last version in biggies, e.g. {{biggies/langs/vep/corp/vepwiki.txt}}. For larger wikipedias, please store only a part of it (e.g. only the files with names with an initial A (see output)).