!!Algorithm for dealing with OCR errors !Finding these errors * Problem: There are document-specific conversion errors that result in letters, not in garbage, errors that can be found only by linguistic means. * Solution: identify the problematic files via error detection with fst __TODO__: Tne Error Detection Algorithm runs as follows: # For each file: ## Analyse the main language text morphologically ## Count the missing ones ## Register the missing/total ratio, and pick the worst files # Look at the worst files, and figure out how to mend them, or move them, e.g. to an OCR gold standard !Results of finding errors for North Sami Here is a list of errors per file in each folder in the admin directory. For each file we list ''error/total ratio - total number of words - words not recognized - filename'', and we sort the file list according to error/total ratio: * [admin/depts/others|corpus_errors_admin_depts_others.txt] * [admin/guovda|corpus_errors_admin_guovda.txt] * [admin/others|corpus_errors_admin_others.txt] * [admin/regjering|corpus_errors_admin_regjering.txt] * [admin/sd/others|corpus_errors_admin_sd_others.txt] * [admin/sd/samediggi|corpus_errors_admin_sd_samediggi.txt] * [sma corpus errors|corpus_errors_sma.txt] * [sma corpus error analysis|corpus_errors_sma_analysis.txt] * [sme corpus errors analysis|corpus_errors_analysis.txt] * [sme corpus errors admin/|corpus_errors_sme_admin.txt] * [sme corpus errors analysis|corpus_errors_sme_analysis.txt] * [sme corpus errors guovda/|corpus_errors_sme_guovda.txt] * [sme corpus errors regjering/|corpus_errors_sme_regjering.txt] * [smj corpus errors|corpus_errors_smj.txt] * [smj corpus error analysis|corpus_errors_smj_analysis.txt] A list of error analyses can be found from [corpus error analysis|corpus_errors_analysis.txt]. Error typology (summarising the corpus error analysis): * Conversion errors ** ==> Improve conversion * Typing errors ** ==> Add to typos.txt, evt. move to typos gold corpus * Linguistic spelling errors ** ==> Add to typos.txt, evt. move to typos gold corpus * Scanning errors ** ==> Analyse the scanning errors and add search-replace to xsl file * Language recognition errors ** ==> Check whether the xsl file lists the relevant languages ** ==> Improve language rec module * Numbers not recognised ** ==> Improve fst * Unknown words (bad fst) ** ==> Improve fst * Corrupted original ** ==> Consider removing it __TODO:__ * Improve conversion according to error type, as sketched above !Results of finding errors for South Sami * [April 20 Analysis of sma corpus|corpus_errors_sma.txt], and [breakdown of the error types|corpus_errors_sma_analysis.txt]. __TODO:__ * Sma improvement of the test results above !Finding catalogue errors: List all files in langX-catalogue with more non-langX content than langX-content. __TODO:__ * Still not done. !Correcting OCR errors Develop algorithms for automatic correction of OCR errors. This work must be done separately for each language.