!!!Transfer rules - examples relevant for sme-smX pairs !! Change wordorder It is done by chunking in t1x and changíng order in t2x, [see examples|Changewordorder.html] !! Halfagreement inside NP, when sme only has +Attr (Sg) Half agreement: +Attr => +Sg+Gen, e.g. {{vuosttas girjjis}} => {{vuosmuu kirjeest}} It is done in t1x, [see examples|Halfagreement.html] !! Full agreement inside NP, when sme only has +Attr (Sg and Plural) e.g. {{vuosttaš albmáin}} => {{vuosmuin almain}} and {{vuosttaš albmáid}} => {{vuosmuid almaid}} It is done in t1x, [see examples|Fullagreement.html]