!!! sme-sma rules !!Syntactic transfer !Cases and numbers * loc => gen (), ine (ADVL-ine), ela (ADVL-ela) * ill => ine (def-list "from-ill-to-ine-verb") * acc => nom (def-list "nom-verb" ) * numerals loc => gen: Paul lea riegádan 1931:s - Paul jaepien 1931 reakadamme (semyear-loc-gen), jagis 2001 - jaepien 2001, * date => nom (sem_date) * pl+acc => pl+nom (when not dem in NP) * sg+gen => pl+nom (in numeral phrases): !From adposition or adverb to case * váste, várás => illative (def-cat "váste") * eret => locative (def-cat "eret") * ovttasráđiid => comitative + ektine * bokte => post, comitative, essive !From PoS to PoS * adj => finit verb: geatnegahtton = dïedtem åtna !Negation verbs * move tense from main verb to aux: Mun in boahtán. : Idtjim manne båetieh. !Special handling for Dem Num Nouns !Agreement * def-cat "agreement-attr" !Expressions * mus lea borranmiella - manne bårrestovvem (def-cat "goiku") * moai Laarain => månnoeh Laarah * eadni ja áhčči => tjidtjie gonnoeh aehtjieh (def-cat "aehtjie" "aahka"), eadnái ja áhččái => tjidtjie gonnoeh aahtjan * 2001 - jaepien 2001 (sem_year), jaepiej 2011-12 * actio+ill => inf: oassálastit barggu plánemii - mealtan barkoem soejkesjidh * orru leamen => luste vååjnoe * Mus lea oaivi bávččas. => Mov åejjieh saejriedieh. * beassat fárrui * oassálastit ill => mealtan ine * geatnegahtton => dïedtem utnedh ** skuvla lea geatnegahtton - skuvle stillesovveme ** skuvla lea geatnegahtton oahpahit - skuvle dïedtem åtna ööhpehtidh ** skuvla geatnegahttá - skuvle stillie * oažžut dieđu !Word order * pron+ref+sg+nom noun => noun pron+ref+sg+nom (pluss agreement): ieš jorgalusat - jarkoestimmieh jïjtjh * subject + negation => negation + subject: Mun in boađe. - Im manne båetieh. * verb moving: Mun vuoján buriin biillain. - Manne buerie bïjline vuajam. !Remove words * ahte: Ja Ipmil oinnii ahte dat lei buorre. - Jïh Jupmele vuejnieji dïhte lij hijven. * copula: ** Dat lea buorre biila. - Dïhte buerie bïjle. ** Áhčči lea ruovttus. - Aehtjie gåetesne. !! The rules * prn-refl-sg-nom, wordorder and agreement - 2 positions - Ieš jorgalusat - Jarkoestimmieh jïjtjh * pronouns - 1 position * pronouns - 2 positions - moai Laarain - månnoeh Laarah * year - 1 position in-out - Paul lea riegádan 1931:s - Paul jaepien 1931 reakadamme * date - 1 position in-out - date should be nominative * year pl - 1 position in-out - 2011-12 - jaepiej 2011-12 * jagis 2001 - 2 position in-out - jagis 2001 - jaepien 2001 * 2001 - 2 position in-out - 2001 - jaepien 2001 * dates * numeral - 1 position in-out - from sem_year to arab * mus lea goiku, 2 chunks out - mus lea borranmiella - manne bårrestovvem * n-cmp n-cmp n-cmp n - 1 position out - compounding * genmod illadvl til acc inf - 3 position out - oassálastit oahppanbarggu plánemii - acc infinitive * genmod illadvl til acc inf - 4 position out - oassálastit iežat oahppanbarggu plánemii - acc inf * genmod illadvl til acc inf - 4 position out - oassálastit adv oahppanbarggu plánemii - acc inf * genmod illadvl til acc inf - 3 position out - oassálastit barggu plánemii - acc inf * genmod illadvl til acc inf - 6 position out - oassálastit genmod n-cmp genmod illadvl cnjcoo illadvl - acc inf * genmod illadvl til acc inf - 5 position out - oassálastit genmod illadvl cnjcoo illadvl - acc inf * n-cmp n-cmp n - 1 position out - compounding * n-cmp num - 1 position out - compounding * n-cmp n - 1 position out - compounding * n-cmp prsprc - 1 position out - compounding * attr agreement cmp - 2 positions out - NP: agreement-attr cmp noun * attr agreement indef - 3 positions out - NP: agreement-attr indef noun * attr agreement - 2 positions out - NP: agreement-attr noun * numsg noun - 2 positions out - NP: num noun * numsg noun - 2 positions out - Ipmil sivdnidii guokte stuora čuovgga. * dem numsg noun - 3 positions out * Gaajhkine 9 tjïeltine - 3 positions out * Gaajhkine dejnie 9 tjïeltine - 4 positions out * dem numsg rdep noun - 4 positions out * prn-dem noun - 2 positions * prn-dem noun cmp - 2 positions out * prn-indef noun - 2 positions * prn-indef noun cmp - 2 positions out * váste - 1 position out - illative instead of pp with váste * eret - 1 position out - Hábmeris eret - elativ * lassin noun-ill - lassin ill - ill lassin * beassat fárrui - mealtan årrodh * bokte - 1 position out - inessive and comitative/essive instead of pp with bokte * bokte - 1 position out - inessive and comitative/essive instead of pp with bokte * bokte - 2 positions out - inessive and comitative/essive instead of pp with bokte * bokte - 2 positions out - inessive and comitative/essive instead of pp with bokte * eret - 1 position out - eret Hábmeris - elativ * aehtjie gon tjidtjieh - áhčči ja eadni - aehtjie gon tjidtjieh * aahka gon aajjah - áhkku ja áddjá - aahka gonnoeh aajjah * maake gon muahrah * noun - 1 position * rdep n - 2 positions * rdep n - 3 positions * rdep rdep cmp n - 3 positions out * n num-ldep - 2 positions * n-prop-pers - 1 position * pron-attr n-cmp n - 2 positions out * pron-attr pron-attr n - 3 positions out * verb to adv - 1 position - go oassálastet dákkár giellabesiin - goh mealtan dagkeres gïelebiesine * verb to adv - 1 position out - go lea oassálastán * ii - 1 position * conneg - 1 position * ii conneg - 2 positions out * remove cop-mainv when adj is vfin - 3 positions * verb-fin - 1 position * verb-fin - 3 position * verb-fin - 1 position * verb-fin - 1 position * leat-aux verb-prfprc - 1 position out * geatnegahtton - 1 position - suohkanat leat geatnegahtton - tjïelth dïedtem utnieh * leat-main inessive - 1 position out - áhčči lea ruovttus - aehtjie gåetesne * leat-main subpred - 1 position out * oažžut dieđu - 2 position out * leat-main subpred - 2 positions out - Dïhte maanan bïjle. * verb-inf - 1 position * verb-prfprc - 1 position - OBS * verb-actio to inf - 2 position * verb-actio-ess to inf - 1 position * verb-imp - 1 position * mearkkašit - 1 position out * mearkkašit - 2 positions out * atnit árvvus - 2 positions out * ovttašráđiid to ektine - 2 positions out * vejolaš - 1 position * adj - 1 position * prsprc - 1 position * eanet ahte eanet - 1 position out * adv - 1 position * pr noun-acc - 2 position * pr - 1 position * post - 2 position * post - 1 position * ii conneg vejolaš - 2 positions out * ii conneg ge vejolaš - 2 positions out * ahte - 1 position * cs - 1 position * cc - 1 position * ij - 1 position * sent - 1 position * DEFAULT