sme--smn meeting 12.1. 2015 Francis, Lene, Marja-Liisa, Trond !!!Agenda: * Status * Planlegging !!!Status !!fst: Ein del pronomen Ikkje andre lukka klasser Ein del substantiv (1000) Verb, representantar for ulike klasser + alle ulikestava (uklassifisert) Starten på ein morfofonologi !!Folk: !Enare Ei gruppe på 6 personar, til saman over to årsverk x 2. !Tromsø * phd * MA/Msc * How is Miina's work going ? Stuff: * bilingual lexicon * smn generator !!!Planlegging !!Tid !!Veke 3, 12.1 -> Mange ting. !!Veke 4, 19.1. -> Estisk !!Veke 5, 26.1. -> smn-veke i Tromsø ML, Miina !!Mars 1. mars: byrjar Erika å jobbe !!Prosjekt Den opprinnelege planen | Ansette stipendiater, opplæring | 2015 1 | 2015 2 | Infrastruktur, inventering | 2015 1 | 2015 2 | Innsamling av tekster | 2015 1 | 2017 2 | Oppstart, planlegging | 2015 1 | 2015 1 | Teknisk infrastruktur på plass | 2015 1 | 2015 4 | Kontrastiv grammatisk analyse | 2015 3 | 2018 1 | Evaluering - forbedring - artikkelskriving | 2016 2 | 2018 1 | Fungerende betaversjoner i bruk | 2017 1 | 2017 !!Planlegging * Team plan * Month plan * Week plan Documentation * About the system ** MT: [/mt/smesmn/NorthSaamiInariSaamiMachineTranslation.html] ** FST: [/lang/smn/j-smn.html] * Scientific papers * Report what happened ** to our funders *** They want: phd, MA, articles. ** to anyone (a narrative) !!fst See [Analysaattorin Tehtävälista|/lang/smn/AnalysaattorinTehtavalista.html] * Nouns: Schedule by yaml ** Make tests ** Bisyllabic ** Trisyllabic ** Contract * Verbs: Schedule by yaml ** Make tests ** Bisyllabic ** Trisyllabic ** Contract * Adjectives ** Make tests ** Adjust to nouns ** Make adj-specific morphology * Closed indeclineable words ** Adpositions ** Conjunctions ** ... * Closed declineable words ** Pronouns ** Determiners ** ... * Lexical coverage Tasks: * Write YAML tests * Make list of all adpositions * Translate all adpositions !!MT Prerequisites: * How many people * At what times * How many resources * How many safd * Work packages !Technical setup Now: Fran to look at apertium, later a plan for this. !Bidix Basic lexical material: * smn-fin, fin-smn, fin-sme, sme-fin: Appr 11k pair each * sme-nob, nob-sme: 26 Goal, see e.g. nno-nob: 69k, sme-nob: 77k !Transfer rules Later.