Meeting on smn-dictionaries and cifu-talk Edmonton, Inari, Rotterdam 18.6. Present: Lene, Marja-Liisa, Trond, Ryan, Erika Meeting on smn * Structure of presentation * NDS !!Structure of presentation * School system * Revitalisation * Technical implementation !!NDS !Localisation We need the interface in Inari Saami. __TODO__: * Run a new version of the translation * Translate into snm * run localization process (Ryan) * localize the tags (currently in norwegian) * complete the tag paradigm Clear definition of the xml to be used? When we need to clean up entries in fin-smn... !Conversion from csv to xml Ciprian + linguists: Analyse the content and scipt the different fields. We analysed the lemma field last meeting, more fields (with more issues!) to come. !Paradigms Context info, format of paradigms (Friday next week). !!Next meeting After discussion with Ciprian.