CVS administration

Note that this info is obsolete, we now use svn. See documentation elsewhere.

As part of the installation routine, every new user is assigned to the group "cvs". Add the new user to the group cvs.

Run the command

cvs -d /usr/local/cvs/repository/ co gt

(This might work for the user, without root privileges, I am not sure). What does work is the following:

Be root. Go to the home directory of the new user. Write "cvs get gt".

Cf. Eero's explanation:

[root@gitek cvsrep]# groups sjur
sjur : sjur
Aha. Sjur ei ole ryhm�ss� lingsoft, jolla on oikeudet gt-hakemistoon.

[root@gitek cvsrep]# groups kristin
kristin : kristin
[root@gitek cvsrep]# /usr/sbin/usermod -G lingsoft kristin
[root@gitek cvsrep]# groups kristin
kristin : kristin lingsoft

Nyt pit�isi toimia:

[root@gitek cvsrep]# su -l sjur
[sjur@gitek sjur]$ cvs get gt
cvs checkout: Updating gt
cvs checkout: Updating gt/doc

Jep, toimii. Nyt Kristinin pit�isi saada tiedostot ulos komentamalla
cvs get gt

This is a command that perhaps is irrelevant?

[root@gitek cvsrep]# ls -lart gt
drwxrwsr-x   10 trond    lingsoft     4096 feb 15 17:42 gt

Eero Taipale
Last modified: Fri Feb 21 09:59:36 GMT 2003