!!!Notes for autumn plan, tts !!!Topics * Read in on everything forgotten since last time (__Biret Ánne, Trond__) * Read in on TTS in general (__Biret Ánne, Trond__) * Setup and make documentation for the project (help from __Børre__) !!!Background reading * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speech_synthesis * Chapter 8 in Jurafsky/Martin * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festival_Speech_Synthesis_System * http://festvox.org/ !!!Linguistics We want to use our syntactical analyser as input for tts. In order to do that, it must be enriched. * Improving the Sámi parser * Adding new features ** Semantic roles ** Focus particles ** Given - new information * Eventually make a leaner and thereby faster tts-dis (skipping what is not needed for tts. !!!Startup meeting with Helsinki Forthcoming... !!!Plans for recording * Find a speaker (NRK commentator?), perhaps several * Suggest cooperation with NRK Sami Radio? ** Meaning they give access to studio and tapes, perhaps voice