!!!Risten2 meeting Filtering is working now. Next issues: * when you filter, the article isn't updated (__done__) * dictionary list isn't filtered against the hit list - do this all in the browser, even though it means that the dictionary hit list might ''grow'' in certain cases (when a dictionary gets its first hit within the first 50 that previously was below the first 50) * i18n ** the id elements containing dictionary names must be renamed (__done__) * the search field should be automatically focused when opening the page * the hit list is strictly ascii/unicode value sorted ** we want to use the sorted index feature in eXist * the hit list should be uniqued ** search for ''ko'', to the bottom you get twice ''kort'', it should be one. Be aware that the uniqued hits still need to have references to both/all dictionares where the hit is found, for filtering to work properly. * add a second tab for dictionary/term collection metadata (authours, sources, etc) * add a third tab with Risten2 metadata (technologies used, link to REST API reference, maintainers, etc) * define a dictionary xml structure used by Risten2 - this structure should be fixed (to avoid a lot of messy JS code for the article display) * set up conversion of existing dictionaries and term collections to this format * start to enhance the article display Regarding i18n: Change the following {{{Mekanikktermer, 1999}}} to {{{Mekanikktermer, 1999}}}