!!!Risten2 and TermWiki meeting Issues: * Risten2 development till beta status * TermWiki work till alpha status * term collection conversion and import into termwiki * Tana presentation !!!Risten2 development till beta status [http://divvun.no:8080/risten/] [] REST interface is working great and fast, and returns data in both xml and json: * XML: [http://divvun.no:8080/exist/restxq/risten/search?query=QUERYSTRING] * JSON: [http://divvun.no:8080/exist/restxq/risten/search-json?query=QUERYSTRING] The REST search interface recognises the following query parameters: * dict=DICTID (optional; if unspecified, will return all dictionaries with hits) * query=QUERYSTRING * from=STARTPOSITIONINHITLIST * howMany=NUMBEROFHITSRETURNED The REST article lookup interface recognises the following query parameters: * JSON: [http://divvun.no:8080/exist/restxq/risten/article/HEADWORD] Issues: * term article formatting/presentation * speed issues * missing functionality? * content issues? !!term article formatting/presentation Separate meeting with Tomi and Sjur !!speed issues * empty search->list of all dictionaries: is given, but it takes like 5+ seconds before it appears. ** it displays immediately if one presses a "function" key (shift, control, etc) * hits & dicts with hits appear very slowly: ** [http://divvun.no:8080/exist/restxq/risten/search-json?query=gea] ** search for "nav" *** SD terms appear after 6 secs *** mek terms appear after 9 secs *** nobsma hits appear after 20+ secs !!missing functionality? * As a minimum speed fix we need an indicator that searching is ongoing as long as there is at least one search going. * the "All dicts" button is highlighted all the time until it is clicked once, after which it will deselect when other buttons are clicked. It should always deselect when another button/dictionary is clicked. !!content issues? * Use the updated terminology content * we need more content (see below) !!!TermWiki work till alpha status Børre will ask about how to download and install the terminology modifications. !!!Term collection conversion and import into termwiki and Risten2 Term collections: * SD-terms - Sjur * mekanikk-1999 - Sjur * legal terms - ??? discuss with Ciprian? !!!Tana presentation To be presented: * FAD dictionary work * Risten2 (whatever beta we have) ** content as now + FAD? + LegalTerms? * TermWiki (our own installation, or as a backup, the Helsinki Wiki) Børre will check his schedule, and if he can make it he will probably go.