!!!North Sámi letter frequency The following letter frequency is calculated upon a corpus of 16,527,773 letters (2826333 words), containing the following genres: newspaper, administrative, biblical text, and fiction. As can be seen from the table, the top-ten contains the basic vowels, and the alveolar consonants. || Tokens || letter || percent | 1993983 | a | 12,06% | 1589612 | i | 9,62% | 1258185 | e | 7,61% | 1042846 | t | 6,31% | 964892 | o | 5,84% | 920897 | d | 5,57% | 913483 | l | 5,53% | 848961 | s | 5,14% | 786418 | n | 4,76% | 735263 | u | 4,45% | 692577 | á | 4,19% | 637112 | g | 3,85% | 632631 | r | 3,83% | 555680 | m | 3,36% | 531874 | v | 3,22% | 486776 | h | 2,95% | 451795 | k | 2,73% | 352624 | j | 2,13% | 307031 | b | 1,86% | 162228 | š | 0,98% | 155986 | p | 0,94% | 119794 | č | 0,72% | 92413 | f | 0,56% | 87020 | đ | 0,53% | 44908 | ž | 0,27% | 43122 | c | 0,26% | 23958 | ŋ | 0,14% | 21597 | å | 0,13% | 21544 | y | 0,13% | 15490 | z | 0,09% | 15056 | ø | 0,09% | 6714 | æ | 0,04% | 5388 | ä | 0,03% | 4734 | w | 0,03% | 2601 | ŧ | 0,02% | 1764 | x | 0,01% | 540 | ö | 0,00% | 276 | q | 0,00% The same table is presented graphically, [here|sme-letter-fr.jpg].