Workshop for grammar model building in the Giella infrastructure The workshop has participants working with (at least) Faroese, Kven, Mansi and Mari. !!!Program The days will consist of common lectures before lunch, and individual or group-wise work on the different languages and issues in the afternoon. Not all participants will need to participate in all lectures, for these we will arrange parallel sessions. Monday morning will start with a common intro session where participants introduce themselves and we identifiy intrests, needs and possible computer issues. Possible afternoon topics will vary from language to language: Specific issues in morphophpnology (twolc), morphology (lexc), syntax (cg), testing, spellchecker development, lexicography. Common lecture topics: * Infrastructure: The giella file structure and how it works * Basic Unix command line course: How to get around in the file structure + central commands * Writing finite state transducers * Writing constraint grammar rules * Testing !!Days We start at 0900, at A3019 (other rooms: A3018, A3012, E2004, A1018) !Monday * Morning 1: ** Intro + Machines + ** infra tree structure (Trond) * Morning 2: Unix I: navigation + basic commands () * Morning 3: FST ** [Plural in English|] * Evening: Hands-on !Tuesday * Morning 1: Unix II: * Morning 2: FST * Morning 3: CG * Evening: Hands-on !Wednesday-Thursday * Morning: Let us see * Evening: Hands-on !Friday * Morning: Summary, repetition * Evening: Planning forward !!! Overview, languages !! FSTs || Language || code || stems || affixes (lines) || yaml tests || fails || cg rules || focus | Faroese | fao | 91000 | 2700 | 10955 | 359 | 293 | fst, proofing | Kven | fkv | 41000 | 2500 | 8467 | 547 | 1585 | fst, dialect split | Mansi | mns | 10000 | 13800 | 1922 | 848 | 0 | fst | Mari | mhr | 55000 | 1200 | 6612 | 6 | 51 | cg !!!Groups: * Faroese: John Mikkelsen (programmer + linux, BA fao, svn ok) * Kven: Anna-Kaisa Räisänen, Aili Eriksen, Mari Keränen, Sindre Trosterud (mac, svn ok) * Mansi: Csilla Horvath, Veronika Vincze, Agaston Nagy (mac, svn ok) * Mari: Jeremy Bradley, Sasha Simonenko (mac, svn ok) * Russian: Uliana Petrunina, Svetlana Sokolova (mac, svn ok) !!!Preparations: * [Have a look at the code if you do not know it|] (click on your language code) * [Here is the language documentation|] * We will give an introduction to unix, according to these lines: ** [] (see: Unix for linguists/лингвистов/lingvistar)