!!!Saami Speech Synthesis (Text-to-speech) !!Status quo We are working on a text-to-speech project together with Acapela in Stockholm. !Darlier work Together with Helsinki University, Department of General Linguistics, we have made a beta version of a North Saami tts program. The following files give an impression of the system: * Our synthetic voice here reads the opening paragraphs of Johan Turi ''Muitalus sámiid birra''): ** [Mon lean okta sápmelaš, guhte lean bargan visot sámi bargguid ja mon dovddan visot sámi dili.|../background/BAB_0000.wav] ** [Ja mon lean ipmirdan, ahte Ruoŧa hállehus háliida min veahkehit nu olu go sáhttá.|../background/BAB_0001.wav] ** [Muhto sii eai oaččo riekta čielgasa, jur got dat lea min eallin ja dilli, deinnago sápmelaš ii sáhte jur juste čilget nu got lea.|../background/BAB_0002.wav] ** [Ja dasa lea dát sivva: go sápmelaš boahtá moskkus gámmirii, de son ii ipmir ii báljo maidege, go ii biegga beasa bossut njuni vuostá.|../background/BAB_0003.wav] ** [Su jurdagat eai golgga, go leat seainnit ja moskkus oaivvi nalde.|../background/BAB_0004.wav] ** [Ja ii leatge buorre sutnje orrut suhkkes vuvddiid siste, gos lea liegga ilbmi.|../background/BAB_0005.wav] * [As comparision: The recording of the same sentences, for the training set, by Biret-Ánne Bals Baal|../background/muitI.wav] (thus, this is __not__ a synthetic voice!) The system is still far from ready, though. Here are some generated sentences without a prior recording (hence of a poorer quality): * [Vihtta bivdovuogi mun gal dušše namahin, muhto leamaš gal ovdal okta bivdovuohki vel, namalassii duhasteapmi.|../background/BAB_0191.wav] * [Guhtemuš dainna bivdovugiin guhkimus leaš geavahuvvon ii leat buorre diehtit, muhto buođđobivdu lea dat mii dál min áiggi eanemus ávkin lea álbmogii.|../background/BAB_0192.wav] More work is needed in order to create a robust system. !!References * A further development of the Helsinki system was presented at NODALIDA in 2007 ([abstract|http://phon.joensuu.fi/nodalida/abstracts/19.shtml]). * [The homepage of our Helsinki cooperation partners|http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/cts/]