About the Ministry

The Ministry of Finance monitors and analyses economic trends in Norway and abroad, and gives advice in a number of areas of economic policy.

The Ministry is responsible for tax policy both regarding economic analyses of the tax system and changes in tax law. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the regulation and supervision of financial markets and financial institutions, private pension schemes, and rules and regulations for accounting and auditing.

The Ministry of Finance is also responsible for the management of the Government Pension Fund. The Ministry is the central fiscal policy agent, and responsible i. a. for the preparation of the annual Central Government Budget Proposal, including counselling and coordination of other ministries´ budgetary work.


Norway became an independent state in 1814. The Ministry of Finance was established - as one of five ministries - in the same year, with the mission of fulfilling important functions related to the new nation's economy and finances.



Today, the offices of the Ministry of Finance are located in what used to be the Government building. This Art Nouveau-inspired stone building, designed by the architect Henrik Bull, is one of the main examples of early twentieth century Norwegian architecture. Work on the building was started in 1898 and completed in 1906.


The Ministry of Finance has a staff of about 300 (2011). Of these, most are university educated with the majority holding degrees in law or economics.

Contact information

Ministry of Finance

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: +47 22 24 95 14


Ministry of Finance
P.O. Box 8008 Dep
NO-0030 Oslo

Visiting Address:
Akersgata 40

Last updated: 08.11.2011
Ministry of Finance

Illustrated guide of the Ministry


Rundtur i departementet


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for an illustrated tour



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Contact information

Ministry of Finance

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: +47 22 24 95 14


Ministry of Finance
P.O. Box 8008 Dep
NO-0030 Oslo

Visiting Address:
Akersgata 40