Call child welfare

Anyone with worries about a child's development or care to take contact with the child welfare service.

Private individuals may report cases anonymously to the child welfare service. They may in other words tell child welfare officials that they are worried about a child, but that they wish to hold their own identity secret from the family in question.

From the point of view of the child welfare authorities, it is positive that people step forward. But even if someone wishes to remain anonymous, the authorities are obligated to investigate the case in the usual way. The child welfare service itself can provide anonymity, but it cannot exempt people from having to witness when the case is handled by the county social welfare board or the courts. The name of the person who reported the case must then be provided.

Contact the child welfare service

Contact information for police, child welfare officers, municipal child welfare services and the state and regional child welfare authorities.

Last updated: 04.01.2009
Ministry of Children and Equality
