Child welfare

The primary duty of the child welfare services is to ensure that children and young people living under conditions that may harm their health and development will receive the necessary assistance when they need it, and to contribute to giving children and young people safe conditions for growing up.

Both the local and central authorities have duties and responsibilities in the child welfare field. All municipalities must have child welfare services that are responsible for the day-to-day work pursuant to the Act. The child welfare services are responsible for giving advice and guidance, undertaking investigations, making decisions pursuant to the Act or preparing cases for the county social welfare board, and for implementing and following up measures.

Assistance measures in child welfare

When a child has special needs due to conditions in the home or for other reasons, the child welfare services must initiate appropriate assistance measures for the child and the family.

Child-in-jeopardy report to the child welfare services

Any person who is concerned about a child's development or care may report this to the child welfare services.

Child welfare institutions

Child welfare institutions in Norway are operated by the public authorities (Bufetat – the five regional offices under the central authority of the Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs and the local authorities), charitable organisations and other private actors.

Child welfare measures outside the home

Assistance measures in the home are sufficient for the majority of families who come in contact with the child welfare services. Placement of a child outside the home is only considered if home assistance measures are not enough to ensure the child a good care situation.

Division of responsibility in the child welfare services

Both the local and central authorities have duties and responsibilities in the child welfare field. All municipalities must have child welfare services that are responsible for the day-to-day work pursuant to the Act.

Measures the child welfare services have for youth 18 years of age and over

The most recent amendment in the provision relating to aftercare in the Child Welfare Services Act came into force on 1 July 2009. This provision now establishes that the child welfare services must give grounds if NO offer of aftercare is given to a young person.

The duties of the child welfare services

The main duty of the child welfare services is to ensure that children and young people living under conditions that might impair their health and development receive the necessary assistance and care when they need it, and to contribute to giving them safe conditions for their early development.

Ministry of Children and Equality

Associated law/regulation