International Law

International law sets out rules governing the rights and obligations of states. Some of these rules are automatically binding on all states (customary international law), but most of them apply only to those states that have expressed that they are willing to be bound by them.

This is done by entering into internationally binding agreements. An overview of the agreements in force for Norway is to be found in the Foreign Ministry treaty database. The Government is seeking to ensure that Norway plays an active part in safeguarding and strengthening the international legal order.

Restrictive measures against further twelve persons who threaten the sovereignty of Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to expand the list of persons targeted by restrictive measures for actions that undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. A further twelve persons have been added to the list.

Meeting in Moscow on Maritime Delimitation Treaty

In connection with the upcoming entry into force of the Treaty between the Kingdom of Norway and the Russian Federation concerning Maritime Delimitation and Cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean, representatives of Norwegian and Russian relevant ministries and agencies met in Moscow on June 2-3, 2011.

Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue in Geneva falls prey to fraud

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs became aware this summer that the Director of Finance and Administration at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialgoue in Geneva is suspected of fraud. The HD Centre is a Geneva-based foundation that works with the prevention and resolution of conflict.

Enhanced scientific cooperation among the coastal States of the Arctic Ocean

Senior officials of the five coastal States of the Arctic Ocean – Canada, Denmark/Greenland, the Russian Federation, the United States of America and Norway – met on 22 June 2010 in Oslo to hold informal discussions on their particular responsibilities in the field of conservation and management of fish stocks.

Comments from the Norwegian Government on the programme “The Wanted”

The issues raised in the programme are of high priority for the Norwegian Government. However, there is very little new information in the programme, except for a document allegedly providing a solution to the issues. The programme deals with a serious matter in a superficial manner.

Q & As in connection with the programme ”The Wanted”

Broadcast by NBC on 20 July 2009

Conditions for the return of Mullah Krekar to Iraq remain unchanged

Observations by the Norwegian Government in respect of the programme “The Wanted” on NBC.

New agreement between Norway and the UK on economic zones

On 30 April, Norway and the UK entered into an agreement on the boundary between the countries’ economic zones. Rolf Einar Fife, Director General of the Legal Affairs Department of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented: - This agreement creates clarity and predictability both for the authorities and for private actors.

Svalbard and the surrounding maritime areas

Svalbard and the Surrounding Maritime Areas

This is a brief introduction to the legal issues concerning the maritime areas around the archipelago of Svalbard.

Say no to corruption - it pays!

Information for Norwegian businesses operating in a global market

More documents about this subject

Contact information

Legal Affairs Department

Telephone: +47 23 95 09 03


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
P.O. Box 8114 Dep
N-0032 Oslo

Contact information

Legal Affairs Department

Telephone: +47 23 95 09 03


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
P.O. Box 8114 Dep
N-0032 Oslo