Contact Infomation

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The Norwegian Ministry of Finance
P.O.Box 8008 Dep, NO-0030 Oslo, Norway
Visiting address: Akersgata 40, 0180 Oslo

Questions and comments form


Who should I address my query to?


  • The editors answer questions relating to the services provided by functions, errors, how to find information on, etc.
  • The Office of the Prime Minister and the ministries answer questions relating to their own pages on

If you need help in finding your way around the public administration or in finding publicly available information, you may contact, e-mail

E-mail and other mail to the ministries is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (Act of 19 June 1970 No. 69 relating to public access to documents in the public administration). This means that others may be able to access the content of your message. Do not include personal or other information in your message that you would not wish to become public knowledge.

Filling out the form

In order for your query to be sent, the fields “Name”, “Subject”, and either “Address” or “E-mail” must be filled out.

Last updated: 18.07.2013
Ministry of Finance