Health and care

Healthcare personel holding a patients' hand

The Ministry of Health and Care Services has chief responsibility for health policy, public health, health services, municipal services for the elderly and disabled, health legislation and parts of social legislation in Norway.

On this page you will find general information and documents relating to health and care services. You can explore this topic in more detail by using the menu on the right.

Norwegian funding for polio eradication increased

Norway is increasing its annual support for efforts to eradicate polio from NOK 50 million to NOK 240 million for the next six years. The funding will be channelled through the GAVI Alliance.

National statement of Norway at the World Health Assembly

Minister of Health and Care services Mr. Bent Høie

Challenges and Opportunities: Furthering A Rights Based Approach to HIV

By State Secretary Cecilie Brein-Karlsen

International seminar on air pollution and health

"The fight against air pollution and short lived climate pollutants in developing countries is a priority area for Norway. We want to see more attention given to this issue internationally, including by the world’s health authorities, State Secretary Hans Brattskar said in his opening statement at an international seminar on air pollution and health in Oslo on 20 March 2014.

mHealth meeting with WHO and ITU

By State Secretary Cecilie Brein-Karlsen

Global Health: The Global Burden of Cervical Cancer

State Secretary Hans Brattskar's intervention at a seminar at the Norwegian Storting on 17 March 2014.

Improving Health through Foreign Policy

State Secretary Hans Brattskar's speech at the the launch conference of the report of the Lancet - University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for Health in Oslo 11 February 2014.

Address at the Norad Conference 2013

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Børge Brende, dedicated his address to results in health and education at the Norad Conference 2013.

New Way to Finance Health in World's Less Developed Nations

Results-Based Financing can get 20 percent more health care with same funds. Countries and major donors including Norway are changing the way they finance maternal and child, malaria, tuberculosis and hiv/Aids health programs in low-income countries to increase their impact.

Follow the Meeting of the Parties to the European Protocol on water and health

Leaders from health and environment in Europe meets to discuss water and health safety challenges in the region from November 25th to 27th.

More documents about this subject

Contact information

Ministry of Health and Care Services

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90


Universitetsgata 2.
Postboks 8011 Dep
0030 Oslo

Contact information

Ministry of Health and Care Services

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90


Universitetsgata 2.
Postboks 8011 Dep
0030 Oslo