Help with search

How do I search?

  • Type one or more keywords into the search field. By combining keywords you can focus your search to bring up the pages most relevant to you. Be precise and check your spelling! Click the "Search"-button or press the "Enter"-key.

  • A space between keywords will be understood as an AND.
    For example: "agreement climate" - would result in pages which contain both agreement AND climate.

  • Use "OR" to expand your results, or if you want to find pages that contain either of two keywords.
    For example: "agreement OR climate" - would results in documents containing either one or both words.

  • Use quotation marks ("”) around several terms to define a search phrase.
    For example: “Office of the Prime Minister”

  • Use - (minus) or NOT to eliminate terms from the result.
    For example: “agreement –climate” - would result in documents containing agreement, but NOT climate.

  • Use * (star or asterisk) to finds variations of the same word.
    For example: “inform*” - would return pages containing the terms "information", "informing", "informal", etc. 

  Advanced Search 



Sorting your result!

By default your results are listed in order of relevance to your keywords. You can choose to change the sort order by last published date or by the alphabetical order of the document title.

Search result can be sorted by relevance, date or alfabetic


How to narrow your result?
You can narrow your result by adding a category. The categories are located in the right column. There are four different categories to choose from: document type, topic, published by or published date.

 Narrow search by choosing categories


How to expand your result?
You can expand your result by choosing “All”. This will remove categories from.

 Expand the result to show pages from the whole portal


What can be found in the “Document Archive”?
When you perform a search the result is presented underneath two different tabs: “” and “Document Archive”. Documents which are no longer valid and information from former governments can be found underneath the tab “Document Archive”.


Advanced Search

  • Advanced search may be combined using quotation marks ("”), minus (-) and star (*, also called asterisk).

  • Advanced search may be combined using the Boolean operators AND, OR or NOT (if necessary with parentheses to avoid ambiguities).

  • Proximity between terms may be indicated using the operator NEAR.

  • Search in fields may be performed using a colon (:) between fieldname and search term.

  • Parentheses or brackets are used to group terms and to set precedent for use of operators.

  • If invalid use of advanced search, the database provides the result using basic "free text" search.
    For example: “jens AND OR NOT” – would result in documents containing ALL of the words jens, and, or, not.


  • Examples of advanced search:
    o "agreement OR climate" - would results in documents containing either one or both words.
    o Prime minister (Jagland OR Bondevik OR Stoltenberg) – would results in documents containing either one or more of the Prime Ministers listed.
    o “agreement NOT climate*” - would result in documents containing agreement, but NOT variations starting with climate.
    o NEAR (jens prime minister N=6) - would result in documents where the terms jens and prime minister appear within 6 words proximity of each other. N must be entered in upper case!
    o NEAR (jens prime minister) - would result in documents where the term jens and prime minister appear within 4 words proximity of each other.
    o NEAR (minister Meltveit N=11) - would result in documents where the term minister and Meltveit appear within 11 words proximity of each other. N must be entered in upper case!
    o norway (agreement OR climate) title: bilateral – advanced search which would result in documents containing either one or both words, and where bilateral is part of the document title.


Last updated: 08.05.2012