Higher Education

Higher education is based on research and usually builds on three years’ completed and passed upper secondary education.

There are eight universities in Norway, seven specialised institutions at university level and 18 public university colleges. The university colleges have an important role in decentralising access to higher education.

Most institutions of higher education are state-run and are responsible for the quality of their own instruction, research and dissemination of knowledge. About 12.5 per cent of students in higher education attend private institutions.

Education in Norway

The Norwegian educational system aims to be among the best in the world with regards to both academic levels and breadth of participation and completion rates. The quality of our education and training is instrumental for the qualities developed in our society.

Bilde av studenter. Foto: Samfoto.

Degree structure and grading system

In 2003 a reform was carried out in Norwegian Higher Education. The Quality Reform introduced a degree structure, grading system and quality assurance system in line with the Bologna Process.

Bilde av UiO.

Universities and University Colleges

There are seven universities in Norway. There are also six specialised institutions at university level. There are 24 public and two private university colleges.

Regulations concerning Admission to Higher Education

Legal basis: Established by the Ministry of Education and Research on 31 January 2007 based on section 3-6, section 3-7 and section 4-9 of the Act of 1 April 2005 no. 15 relating to Universities and University Colleges, cf. decision concerning delegation of 7 October 2005 no. 1107.

Higher Education

Higher education is based on research and usually builds on three years’ completed and passed upper secondary education.

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) is a public Norwegian agency that promotes international cooperation in education and research.

Factsheet: White paper on internationalisation of education

The White Paper describes the current situation and proposes new measures to nsure that the Norwegian education system provides pupils and students with the necessary skills to act and interact in an increasingly globalized world.

Factsheet: White Paper on Teacher Education

The Government is proposing a new teacher education programme for primary and lower secondary education with a stronger emphasis on subject knowledge and teaching skills, quality of studies and research orientation.

Action Plan for Entrepreneurship in Education and Training

Norway has received international accolade for our work on entrepreneurship in education.

Latest news and publications about higher education:

Russian mathematician receives the 2014 Abel Prize

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2014 to Yakov G. Sinai (78) of Princeton University, USA, and the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, "for his fundamental contributions to dynamical systems, ergodic theory, and mathematical physics".

A Joint Promotion of Mathematics, Science and Technology

A substantial promotion of Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST) to meet society’s needs can only be achieved through close collaboration between all the parties involved, where both education and working life jointly contribute to increased recruitment and high competence.

Clear priorities in Higher Education and Research

The Government presents seven measures for higher education and research over the next four years. The goal is higher quality, says Minister for Education and Research Torbjørn Røe Isaksen.

Digital Democratization of Universities

Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksens speech at Transatlantic Science Week 2013, seminar ”The Digital Democratization of Universities” at the Norwegian Embassy in Washington 12. November 2013.

Meld. St. 23 (2012–2013)

Digital Agenda for Norway

Curriculum regulations

English version of curriculum regulations for general teacher education, pre-school teacher education and practical and didactic education

International Expert Committee

from the Expert Committee on risk assessment of possible relocation of the Viking Ships from Bygdøy. There are risks for damage to the Viking Ships and assemblage present at the Viking Ship Museum at Bygdøy regardless of which future scenario is considered.


North America Strategy for Higher Education Cooperation 2012-2015

On 25 October 2011, Minister of Research and Higher Education, Ms Tora Aasland, launched a new North America Strategy for Higher Education Cooperation 2012-2015.

Cristin - Current research informationsystem in Norway

CRIStin is an organisation for research information and documentation in Norway. The organisation, which was established by the Ministry of Education and Research in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Care Services, will cover the higher education sector, research institutes and regional health authorities.

Regulations relating to suitability assessment in higher education

Established by the Ministry of Education and Research on 30 June 2006 pursuant to section 4-10, sixth paragraph, of the Act of 1 April 2005 no. 15 relating to Universities and University Colleges

More documents about this subject

Contact information

Department of Higher Education