Responding to the Nexus – The Case for NATO

Speech by Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide at the conferende "A New Nexus of global Threats? Concepts and Response" in Oslo Sept. 17 2014. The title of her speech was "Responding to the Nexus – The Case for NATO".

NATO Wales Summit – Revitalizing the Trans-Atlantic Bond

The Norwegian Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide held this speech at The Rīga Conference 2014 September 12. The title of the speech was "NATO Wales Summit – Revitalizing the Trans-Atlantic Bond".

Multinational F-35-Summit to be held in Oslo on 25 September

For the first time the leaders of the multinational F-35-program will meet in Norway. This happens as all nine partner nations in the program assemble in Oslo for its second JSF steering board for 2014. The F-35 Program is expected to deliver around 3,000 aircraft for the nine partner nations as well as several direct export customers over the next 20 to 25 years and is the largest multinational technology development program of its kind since World War II. For the first time media will also be invited to cover the meeting from a dedicated press centre.

Security in the High North – Norwegian Perspectives

The Henry Bacon Breakfast Seminar, June 26, Washington

“NATO in an Era of Global Competition” - A Norwegian perspective

Atlantic Council Conference, June 25th 2014, Washington DC

Historic mission in Syria nears conclusion

‘I am proud of the way in which the Norwegian Armed Forces have carried out their part of the mission. Removing these weapons from Syria has been vital for ensuring that they cannot be used against the civilian population or fall into the wrong hands. The efforts of our Armed Forces are an important contribution to international peace and security. Although the operation has taken longer than first anticipated, Norway has remained determined throughout to see it through to its conclusion,’ said Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide.

German-Norwegian Defence and security co-operation seminar, Snarøya, June 3 2014

Morten Tiller, Norwegian National Armaments Director, presented these remarks at the German-Norwegian Defence and security co-operation seminar, Snarøya, June 3, 2014.

Speech at the Norwegian-American Defence Conference 2014

State secretary Øystein Bø held a speech at the Norwegian-American Defence Conference (NADIC) 2014, in Washington D.C. - "Innovation in Times of Austerity". At the NADIC conference Bø also met with Senator John McCain.

Speech at Nordic Defence Industry Seminar, Sundvolden, May 20th 2014

Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide held this speech at Nordic Defence Industry Seminar, Sundvolden, May 20th 2014.

Norwegian general becomes the first female UN force commander

Major General Kristin Lund was today appointed military commander of the UN peace keeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). Major General Lund becomes the first female force commander of a UN peacekeeping operation.