Speeches and articles

On this page you can find speeches and articles from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.

Responding to the Nexus – The Case for NATO

Speech by Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide at the conferende "A New Nexus of global Threats? Concepts and Response" in Oslo Sept. 17 2014. The title of her speech was "Responding to the Nexus – The Case for NATO".

NATO Wales Summit – Revitalizing the Trans-Atlantic Bond

The Norwegian Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide held this speech at The Rīga Conference 2014 September 12. The title of the speech was "NATO Wales Summit – Revitalizing the Trans-Atlantic Bond".

Introductory speech at EU Heads of Mission meeting

Oslo, 9th September 2014

"I am very glad to be here because European cooperation is so important to us, both economically and politically. The EU and EU member countries are among our closest partners. The geopolitical crisis in Ukraine has reminded us how important it is to stay together and defend our values", said Minister of Finance, Siv Jensen.

Address at the Estonian–Norwegian Business Forum

Oslo, 3 September 2014

- The synergy that can be achieved by bringing together Estonian ICT expertise and Norwegian experience in the field of green technology makes us confident that we can develop successful solutions not only for Estonia and Norway, but also for third markets, said Minsiter Vidar Helgesen in his address at the forumt.

Europe – 25 year after the fall of the Berlin Wall

'This year – 2014 – is a year of anniversaries. A year in which to commemorate events of pivotal importance for Europe, as both a geographical and a political entity', said Minister Vidar Helgesen in his opening address at the Europe Conference 2014 in Oslo 2 September.

EU: Time to stand up for the liberal society

Letter in Financial Times, 28 August 2014

'As we approach the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the EU should demonstrate in no uncertain terms that it will not accept the re-establishment of an illiberal state within its borders', writes Minister Vidar Helgesen in a letter in Financial Times - about today's political situation in Hungary.

Perspectives on the future of the Norwegian Continental Shelf

ONS: Hovedtale 26.august

We have the resources, we have world class suppliers and we have a predictable and stable framework. After more than 40 years of petroleum production, the NCS is still attractive - with a promising future.

Speech at Offshore Northern Seas 2014

Stavanger, 25 August 2014

About the Conflict in Eastern Congo

The Christian Council of Norway's conference, 22 August 2014

'Norway closely follows the development in Eastern Congo. Though demanding challenges remain, especially with regard to prevailing insecurity, human rights violations and the dire conditions of internally displaced persons, we acknowledge that important progress has been achieved', said State Secretary Brattskar in his address at the Christian Council of Norway's conference.

How to Prevent Total Disaster in South Sudan

Argument in Foreign Policy on 21 August 2014 by Rajiv Shah, Valerie Amos, Kristalina Georgieva and Børge Brende

'After half a year of fighting, the world's newest country is barreling toward calamity. But its leaders can pull it back from the brink -- if they choose to do so', write Rajiv Shah, Valerie Amos, Kristalina Georgieva and Børge Brende in an argument in Foreign Policy on 21 August 2014.