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Tale/artikkel, 07.05.2012

Av: Tidligere statsminister Jens Stoltenberg

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Status: Arkivert

Opening of CO2 Technology Centre Mongstad

Check against delivery

Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Norway,
welcome to Mongstad,

And welcome to a great and important day!

Today we are opening the world’s largest and most advanced laboratory for testing carbon capture technologies.

A unique centre that can test different flue gases and technologies.

A unique test centre to meet one of the greatest challenges of our time.

Let me start by thanking Gassnova, Statoil, Shell and Sasol.

You made this centre possible.

You are contributing important expertise and knowledge on CO2 reduction.

I commend you for taking the lead in this endeavour.

Let me also thank Aker Solutions and Alstom for your commitment to this challenging project.

Technology Centre Mongstad is an impressive project.
It is important.

For Norway and for the world.

The world needs more energy to create development and economic growth.
To lift millions out of poverty.

At the same time, greenhouse gas emissions are increasing at an accelerating rate.

More energy will give even more emissions.

We need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
And we need to increase the production of energy.

At the same time.

We need to find a way to reconcile the need for energy and the need for emission reductions.

Carbon capture technology is a key.

Although massive investments in renewables will be made in the years ahead,

The world will continue to depend on fossil fuels for many years to come.

If we are to ensure a sustainable energy supply, our only option is to reduce emissions from coal, gas and oil.

This is why the development of carbon capture technology is so vital.

This technology may deliver up to twenty per cent of the emission reductions needed by 2050.

This is why Norway has taken on the challenge of developing this advanced technology.

The success of the Norwegian oil and gas industry is built on innovation and breakthrough technologies.

Now we are using this experience here at Mongstad.
In close cooperation with our international partners.

Still - breaking such technological barriers is costly.
It is difficult.
But we must succeed.

We need more operational experience of carbon capture technologies.

The costs must come down.
And the risks must be understood and reduced.

Carbon capture technology could become one of the most important contributions to reducing emissions worldwide.

We cannot choose between energy and the environment.
We need both.

That means that we need to continue these efforts.

Here in Norway.
At Technology Centre Mongstad.
And globally.

One of the advantages of Technology Centre Mongstad is its flexibility.

This enables it to serve as a good testing ground for a wide range of carbon capture technologies.

A single country or a single company cannot carry this new technology forward on its own.

I therefore take this opportunity to invite companies and governments to work with us at Mongstad.

Mongstad is and shall continue to be a truly international joint endeavour.

The race for new technology is a race that we can only win together.

Scientists must cooperate.
Countries must cooperate.
Public and private sector must cooperate.

In order to succeed.

Mongstad is an example for the future.

We need to share the results and the knowledge to reach our common goals.

To reduce the emissions.
To create a safer world.

With the opening of Technology Centre Mongstad, we have together brought this important effort one step further.

I hereby declare the Technology Centre Mongstad open.

Thank you.