The Customs and Excise Authorities
(Toll- og avgiftsetaten/Tollvesenet)

The Customs and Excise Authorities comprise the central office of the Directorate of Customs and Excise, 6 regions, 20 local customs posts and 4 customs clearance and anti-smugling units.

The main objective of these authorities is to ensure that customs and excise duties are correctly levied and paid on time. In addition, they are responsible for preventing the illegal import and export of goods in Norway.

The Customs and Excise Authorities set and collect customs duties, value-added tax on imports and special duties payable to the Treasury, amounting to a total of NOK 204 billion in 2011. They also have a number of supervisory functions in connection with the import and export of goods.

The Customs and Excise Authorities employ more than 1 900 persons in 2012 and has an operating budget of approximately NOK 1 500 million.

Contact information

The Customs and Excise Authorities

Telephone: +47 22 86 03 00

The webpage of The Customs and Excise Authorities


Toll- og avgiftsdirektoratet
Schweigaards gate 15
Postboks 8122 Dep.
NO 0032 Oslo,

Last updated: 31.10.2012
Ministry of Finance

Contact information

The Customs and Excise Authorities

Telephone: +47 22 86 03 00

The webpage of The Customs and Excise Authorities


Toll- og avgiftsdirektoratet
Schweigaards gate 15
Postboks 8122 Dep.
NO 0032 Oslo,