Public Health


The main tasks of the Department of Public Health are related to health promotion and preventive medicine, health surveillance and health registers, nutrition and food safety and alcohol and drug addiction issues.

About the Department of Public Health

More information about the Department of Public Health

Illustrasjonsbilde Folkehelsemeldingen

Public Health Report

Good health – a common responsibility Meld. St. 34 (2012–2013) Report to the Storting (White Paper) Summary

English summary of report NOU 2012:17

NOU 2012: 17 Om kjærlighet og kjøletårn – Strafferettslige spørsmål ved alvorlige smittsomme sykdommer is the report of the Law Commission (‘the Commission’) appointed by the Norwegian goverment in December 2010 to conduct an inquiry and submit recommendations regarding issues surrounding criminalisation of transmission of a communicable disease that is hazardous to public health


Nordic/Baltic seminar on the subject of “Drinking water and sanitation in a Nordic and Baltic perspective – common challenges and collaboration”

The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services in cooperation with the Nordic Council of Ministers wishes to invite Nordic and Baltic decision-makers from ministries with responsibilities in the fields of drinking water and sanitation, development and aid (for instance the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Ministry of Environment) , and their relevant subordinate agencies, to this seminar to be held the 7th and 8th of November 2012 in Oslo, Norway. The seminar is also linked to the programme of work of the UNECE/WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health.

Acceptance and coping - National HIV strategy (2009-2014)

Learn more about the national HIV strategy.

National strategy for prevention of infections in the health service and antibiotic resistance (2008–2012) in Norway

The strategy includes relevant measures in many sectors and at various levels that should enable us to continue to maintain a favourable situation with regards to hospital infections and antibiotic use in Norway.

Action Plan for Combating Female Genital Mutilation 2008-2011

This Action Plan is the result of the joint efforts of seven ministries. The responsibility for coordinating the work to combat female genital mutilation lies with the Ministry of Children and Equality.

Norwegian Action Plan on Nutrition (2007-2011) – ”Recipe for a healthier diet”

This is a short version of the Norwegian Action Plan on Nutrition (200 –2011) Recipe for a healthier diet, which was launched in January 2007


National strategy to reduce social inequalities in health

Report No. 20 to the Storting (2006-2007) National strategy to reduce social inequalities in health Recommendation from the Ministry of Health and Care Services, dated 9 February 2007, approved in the Council of State on the same date (The Second Stoltenberg Government).

The MSIS and Tuberculosis Register Regulations

Regulations relating to the collection and processing of personal health data in the Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (MSIS) and in the Tuberculosis Register and relating to the notification of communicable diseases (the MSIS and Tuberculosis Register Regulations)


Learn more about Tobacco Control

Contact information

The Department of Public Health

Telephone: 47 22 24 87 01
Fax: 47 22 24 86 56


Ministry of Health and Care Services
P.O. Box 8011 Dep,
Oslo Norway

Norwegian wines and spirits retail monopoly

Contact information

The Department of Public Health

Telephone: 47 22 24 87 01
Fax: 47 22 24 86 56


Ministry of Health and Care Services
P.O. Box 8011 Dep,
Oslo Norway