The economy

The scales of economy

In the Government, it is the Minister of Finance’s responsibility to draw up and coordinate economic policy. The Ministry of Finance acts as the secretariat for the Minister of Finance. It is the political authorities - the Government and the Storting – that make the decisions. On this page you will find general information and documents relating to the economy.

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Introductory speech at EU Heads of Mission meeting

"I am very glad to be here because European cooperation is so important to us, both economically and politically. The EU and EU member countries are among our closest partners. The geopolitical crisis in Ukraine has reminded us how important it is to stay together and defend our values", said Minister of Finance, Siv Jensen.

Mandate for a new green tax commission

The commission is mandated to evaluate whether and how a green tax reform can be used to promote improved resource utilisation and the achievement of the objectives contained in the cross-party broad agreement on climate policy.

Countercyclical buffer unchanged

The Ministry of Finance has today decided to keep the level of the countercyclical capital buffer for banks unchanged. This is in line with advice from Norges Bank. The Financial Supervisory Authority has stated that it concurs with the advice.

The Expert Group on investments in coal and petroleum companies invites to a stakeholder meeting

The Ministry of Finance has appointed an expert group to assess the Government Pension Fund Global's (GPFG) appropriate use of policy instruments and investments in coal and petroleum companies. The Storting (the Norwegian parliament) has asked the government to establish the group, which will evaluate whether the exclusion of coal and petroleum companies is a more effective strategy for addressing climate issues in the management of the GPFG than the exercise of ownership and exertion of influence.

The IMF presents views on the Norwegian economy

A mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented its views on the Norwegian economy and Norwegian economic policy. The mission’s report is supportive of the government’s fiscal policy and suggests that changes to the Norwegian tax system could further boost both productivity and economic growth.

The IMF presents views on the Norwegian economy

Today a mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented its views on the Norwegian economy and Norwegian economic policy. The mission’s report is supportive of the government’s fiscal policy and suggests that changes to the Norwegian tax system could further boost both productivity and economic growth.

Local government reform to secure future welfare

The Local Government White Paper contains the Government’s comprehensive plan for local government reform during this Storting session. The reform will result in larger municipalities that can take on additional responsibilities and more autonomy.

Additional NOK 166 million for humanitarian assistance

‘The need for humanitarian assistance is greater in 2014 than ever before. In the revised national budget, the Government proposes an increase of NOK 166 million in allocations for this purpose. This will enable us to provide more emergency aid for South Sudan, Syria and other crisis areas,’ said Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende.

The Revised National Budget 2014 - A budget for growth

- The Government took the first steps towards a change in policy direction in the amended fiscal budget for 2014. In the revised budget we continue along this path. Targeted tax reductions, high priority on infrastructure and other measures to stimulate productivity and employment, are important to stimulate growth of the Norwegian economy, says the Finance Minister Siv Jensen.

Regulation and decision on systemically important financial institutions

The Norwegian Ministry of Finance has today adopted a regulation on the identification of systemically important financial institutions in Norway. This is a follow-up of the capital requirements legislation adopted by the Storting (the Norwegian Parliament) last year.

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Contact information

Ministry of Finance

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: +47 22 24 95 14


Ministry of Finance
P.O. Box 8008 Dep
NO-0030 Oslo

Visiting Address:
Akersgata 40

Contact information

Ministry of Finance

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: +47 22 24 95 14


Ministry of Finance
P.O. Box 8008 Dep
NO-0030 Oslo

Visiting Address:
Akersgata 40