About the Ministry

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is responsible for food and agricultural policymaking. The food policy aims to provide consumers with wholesome, high quality food products, and to ensure that the food production process is carried out with environmental, public health and animal welfare concerns in mind.

The Ministry of Agriculture shares responsibility for shaping the food policy and for management of foodstuffs from production until delivery to the consumer with the Ministry of Fisheries and the Ministry of Health. The Government has initiated an extensive programme to simplify and improve the statutory framework and its supervision. A clarification of the division of responsibilities between the three ministries is also underway.

The Agricultural Agreement covers land administration, agriculture and forestry, animal husbandry, reindeer husbandry and the development of new agriculture-based ventures. The Agricultural Agreement aims to safeguard agricultural resources, develop the knowledge base and make a national contribution to creating value and employment in the areas of agriculture and agricultural products.

The key external conditions affecting food and agricultural policy are general economic policies, the market, trade policies resulting from the World Trade Agreement and the European Economic Area Agreement, and Parliament’s handling of:

The food and agricultural policy is founded on two fundamental conditions:

  • A consumer focus for all activities within the Ministry of Agriculture’s areas of administrative responsibility.
  • An efficient and forward-looking business development policy that harmonises social and commercial interests.

Contact information

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: +47 22 24 95 55


Teatergata 9 (R6), Oslo
Postboks 8007 Dep.
N-0030 Oslo, Norway

Last updated: 10.10.2013
Ministry of Agriculture

Contact information

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90
Fax: +47 22 24 95 55


Teatergata 9 (R6), Oslo
Postboks 8007 Dep.
N-0030 Oslo, Norway