Press release, 20.12.2013

The Ministry of the Environment becomes the Ministry of Climate and Environment

In order to clarify the Ministry's responsibilities, on 1 January 2014 the Ministry of the Environment will change its name to the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

"The Government intends to pursue an ambitious climate and environmental policy. Following the change of government, the Ministry was given new responsibilities and a more distinct role in climate policy. It was therefore natural to change the name. Among other things, the Ministry of Climate and Environment will have full responsibility for the climate and forestry initiatives, quota purchases and the CO2 compensation scheme," says Tine Sundtoft, Minister of Climate and Environment.

The Government will pursue an aggressive climate policy and strengthen the climate accord by increasing efforts in public transport, new, climate-friendly technology and establishing a green tax commission. It should pay to be environmentally friendly, and the point is to turn taxes in an environmentally friendly direction.

At the same time, the Ministry retains responsibility for other important areas. Both nature management and the protection of cultural monuments will be focus areas going forward.

"We will continue work on protecting Norwegian nature and safeguarding our cultural monuments," Sundtoft says.

Contact information

Head of Communications Jon Berg

Telephone: +47 22 24 61 96
Cell phone: +47 905 69 495


The Ministry of Climate and Environment
P.O.Box 8013 Dep
N-0030 Oslo

Ministry of Climate and Environment

Contact information

Head of Communications Jon Berg

Telephone: +47 22 24 61 96
Cell phone: +47 905 69 495


The Ministry of Climate and Environment
P.O.Box 8013 Dep
N-0030 Oslo