The Tax Administration (Skatteetaten)

The tax administration ensures that taxes are set and collected in the correct manner and are responsible for updating the national population register. In 2011, the tax administration was responsible for collecting and ensuring payment of about NOK 834 billion in taxes to the central government.

The Tax Administration was reorganised from 1 January 2008, and comprises the Directorate of Taxes, and tax offices in five regions: Tax East, Tax South, Tax West, Tax Mid-Norway and Tax North. The tax offices replace the former local tax offices, tax collection offices, county tax collection offices, and the central taxation offices.

The Tax Office handles cases for the whole country within all areas of activity. The Tax Administration issue tax cards, collect advance tax, check the tax-return forms that are required to be submitted each year, and is responsible for the national registry office. The Tax Administration also determines and monitors national insurance contributions, value-added tax, and inheritance tax, in addition to a list of other public taxes and charges. The Tax Administration is also responsible for providing professional guidance and instruction to local tax collection offices that collect direct taxes.

At the beginning of 2012 the Tax Administration had about 6 300 employees, and an annual operating budget of approximately NOK 5 billion.

Contact information

The Tax Administration

Telephone: +47 22 07 70 00

The webpage of The Tax Administration

Last updated: 10.06.2013
Ministry of Finance

Contact information

The Tax Administration

Telephone: +47 22 07 70 00

The webpage of The Tax Administration