§ 1 Aim
The aim of Resource centre on rights of indigenous peoples is to increase the knowledge and understanding of indigenous peoples’ and sami peoples’ rights.
§ 2 The work of The resource centre
The resource centreshall be a profesionally independent institution.
The resource centreshall collect, build up, systemize, maintain, adapt, organize and disseminate relevant information and documentation about indigenous peoples’ rights nationally and internationally. The resource centre can also point out needs for research on relevant topics.
The target group for The resource centre’s work is everyone who is searching for information about indigenous peoples’ rights nationally and internationally, including schools, voluntary organizations, public institutions and state authorities. The resource centre shall primarly organize and disseminate information for target groups in Norway. The resource centre can also organize and disseminate information for relevant target groups in other countries, to the extent that it has capacity to do.
The service of The resource centre shall be formulated and adjusted upon comparable services nationally and internationally.
§ 3 Organization
The resource centreshall be organized as a public administrative body with special authorizaton.
The cenre shall be managed by a board consisting of five members and two vice-members.
The daily work shall be run by the executive director of the centre.
§ 4 Election of the Board
The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development together with The Sami Parliament appoint the leader of the Board. Subsequently The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and The Sami Parliament appoint two board members and one vice-member each. The appointment will be made among recommended candidates. The appointment is in force for three years.
The University of Tromsø, Nordic Sami Institute, Sami College, Institute for Human Rights and Sami Council are invited to recommend candidates for the Board. Each institution is requested to recommend both female and male candidates. The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development can together with The Sami Parliament invite other institutions and organizations to recommend candidates for the Board.
§ 5 The Board
The Board is the supreme body of The resource centre, and has the main responsibility for The resource centre’s work. It is responsible to see to it that the centre keeps a high professional quality, and is run efficiently and in accordance with the current set of rules. The Board is responsible for professional development, resource management and priorities, in addition to prepare strategies for The resource centre’s work. The Board shall make annual accounts and annual reports, and present the budget and activity plans. The Board shall also employ an executive director, and other personell for The resource centre upon the executive director’s proposal.
If any of the Board members are prevented from meeting, the vice-members shall be summoned. The Board forms a quorum when at least three members are present. In case of equal votes, the Chairperson has a casting vote.
§ 6 Executive director
The executive director shall lead the work of The resource centre, and is responsible for the internal organization of The resource centre, within the conditions decided by the Board.
The executive director is the secretary of the Board, and shall prepare and advise in cases that are presented for the Board, and is responsible to initiate decisions made by the Board.
The executive director is responsible to see to it that the economical activity follows the current set of rules. The executive director shall draft the budget and the annual account, and keep the Board informed about economical issues and other issues that are relevant to The resource centre’s work.
The executive director has an allocating authority, and authority to make arrangements about possessions, projects and co-operational relations of The resource centre, within the conditions decided by the Board.
The executive director is responsible to announce vacant positions and to make proposals for the Board.
§ 7 Reporting
The resource centremakes annual reports to The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Sami Parliament about The resource centre’s work and issues of particular interest. A more detailed requirement for the reports is given by the Economic statutes for the state and by the annual allocations.
§ 8 Coming into force
The statutes come into force when The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development decides.
Erna Solberg
Cabinet minister