Sámenuoraide fitnodatbagadalli Bargovejolašvuohta - Virgi ohcanláhkai Sámi váldoorganisašuvnnat oktan Barentsčállingottiin veahkehišgohtet nuoraid vuođđodit ja ovddidit fitnodagaid. Fitnodatbagadallivirgi lea dál ohcanláhkai. (Deatte bajilčállaga) Indigenous Entrepreneurship-prošeavtta, mii bistá jagi 2011 lohppii, ulbmilin lea veahkehit Barents-guovllu eamiálbmotnuoraid iežaset fitnodagaid ovddideamis/vuođđudeamis. Dieđusge dat fitnodagat/fitnodatjurdagat galget čatnasit eamikultuvrii dahje -ealáhusaide dego sápmelaš kultuvrii ja ealáhusaide.
Prošeavtta leat álggahan Ruoŧa Sámiid Riikkasearvi, Norgga Sámiid Riikkasearvi, Suoma Sámiid Guovddášsearvi ja Riikkaidgaskasaš Barents-čállingoddi. Prošeavttas bálkáhuvvo guhtege riikii (Ruššii, Ruttii, Norgii ja Supmii) fitnodatbagadalli, gean bargun lea earret eará persovnnalaččat láidestallat ja rávvet prošektii oassálasti nuoraid. Suoma beale bargi barggašii dieđusge Suoma beale nuoraiguin.
Dál fitnodatbagadallit leat bálkáhuvvon juo Ruošša ja Ruoŧa beallái. Norgga ja Suoma bealde mii leat vel ohcamin bargi.
Lassedieđuid prošeavttas fidne dan ruoktosiidduin: www.indigee.org
Lassedieđuid fitnodatbagadalli barggu birra fidne prošeaktakoordinahtoris Lars Miguel Utsis: lmu@beac.st Tel: +47 78 97 08 73 ja +47 78 97 08 73 Mob: +47 47 24 29 81 ja +47 47 24 29 81
Dahje Luobbal-Jovsset Esko Suoma Sámiid Guovddášsearvi email: esko.aikio@gmail.com tel: +358 445 326 965 ja +358 445 326 965
OzfWMzUZO7 |
zCDbNdRmZx 27.10.2015 |
Dear Eoin, It was interesting to learn that An Daingean is tweind with Santa Barbara, CA. It is a beautiful city on the Pacific Ocean in southern California. Did you know that at this time of the year and through the summer Santa Barbara has fog much of the day?! Perhaps that explains their twining . We live in northern CA in the San Francisco area. SF, too, experiences fog during the summer but not the winter.
tkmDr2SC4k |
gbDIvvPt 14.02.2017 |
Either a person is ans Atheist or a Deist or if you want to play with word be an Agnostic DEIST, SH** or get off the POT : > )Science and reason.But I’m not an atheist.Science and reason have led me to Deism.Nothing in nature is left to cheiaeEvcrythnng comes from the Divine.Never find fault in thingsYou do not really understand.The enemy you wish to destroyOften proves to be your truest friend.
tkmDr2SC4k |
gbDIvvPt 14.02.2017 |
Either a person is ans Atheist or a Deist or if you want to play with word be an Agnostic DEIST, SH** or get off the POT : > )Science and reason.But I’m not an atheist.Science and reason have led me to Deism.Nothing in nature is left to cheiaeEvcrythnng comes from the Divine.Never find fault in thingsYou do not really understand.The enemy you wish to destroyOften proves to be your truest friend.
qX92U2KUdT6Z |
D8sb4nOW 14.02.2017 |
Knocked my socks off with knegeldwo!
qX92U2KUdT6Z |
D8sb4nOW 14.02.2017 |
Knocked my socks off with knegeldwo!
qX92U2KUdT6Z |
D8sb4nOW 14.02.2017 |
Knocked my socks off with knegeldwo!
OzfWMzUZO7 |
zCDbNdRmZx 27.10.2015 |
Dear Eoin, It was interesting to learn that An Daingean is tweind with Santa Barbara, CA. It is a beautiful city on the Pacific Ocean in southern California. Did you know that at this time of the year and through the summer Santa Barbara has fog much of the day?! Perhaps that explains their twining . We live in northern CA in the San Francisco area. SF, too, experiences fog during the summer but not the winter.
gdPlVbcrd |
UfcTE2Yfwr 14.02.2017 |
I am staying just outside the Cantonese part, in a resettled flat coinnstisg of Teochews from Teochew St vicinity and Cantonese from Tau Fu Kai (Upper Chin Chew St) vicinity. And I am Hokkien. (^^)
gdPlVbcrd |
UfcTE2Yfwr 14.02.2017 |
I am staying just outside the Cantonese part, in a resettled flat coinnstisg of Teochews from Teochew St vicinity and Cantonese from Tau Fu Kai (Upper Chin Chew St) vicinity. And I am Hokkien. (^^)
vjC0BGCP2q |
2GHYmUQgUm7C 14.02.2017 |
Grade A stuff. I"m unuiqsteonably in your debt.
vjC0BGCP2q |
2GHYmUQgUm7C 14.02.2017 |
Grade A stuff. I"m unuiqsteonably in your debt.
vjC0BGCP2q |
2GHYmUQgUm7C 14.02.2017 |
Grade A stuff. I"m unuiqsteonably in your debt.
OzfWMzUZO7 |
zCDbNdRmZx 27.10.2015 |
Dear Eoin, It was interesting to learn that An Daingean is tweind with Santa Barbara, CA. It is a beautiful city on the Pacific Ocean in southern California. Did you know that at this time of the year and through the summer Santa Barbara has fog much of the day?! Perhaps that explains their twining . We live in northern CA in the San Francisco area. SF, too, experiences fog during the summer but not the winter.
J1ZS9Jix2 |
TwPh7V2YAtWC 27.12.2015 |
Hi, it is very beautiful. I have to say I love evrhyteing about Ireland. My husbands comes from Castletowbere on the Beqra peninsula and you can"t get any colder than down there. I think I was Irish in my past life as it in my blood. It is our winter here in Brisbane and we are having 23dgr days. But it is not as green as there. Love it.
J1ZS9Jix2 |
TwPh7V2YAtWC 27.12.2015 |
Hi, it is very beautiful. I have to say I love evrhyteing about Ireland. My husbands comes from Castletowbere on the Beqra peninsula and you can"t get any colder than down there. I think I was Irish in my past life as it in my blood. It is our winter here in Brisbane and we are having 23dgr days. But it is not as green as there. Love it.
J1ZS9Jix2 |
TwPh7V2YAtWC 27.12.2015 |
Hi, it is very beautiful. I have to say I love evrhyteing about Ireland. My husbands comes from Castletowbere on the Beqra peninsula and you can"t get any colder than down there. I think I was Irish in my past life as it in my blood. It is our winter here in Brisbane and we are having 23dgr days. But it is not as green as there. Love it.
0yPcoaIbu |
hcMi8ezt 28.12.2015 |
The fog and rain are second narute to me as I"m in Cornwall Cornwall is beautiful but my heart remains in Ireland. I have never seen the Conor Pass without fog and rain! but have seen Co Kerry in the sunshine and there is no other place that I have ever been that compares to the beauty I saw there.
0yPcoaIbu |
hcMi8ezt 28.12.2015 |
The fog and rain are second narute to me as I"m in Cornwall Cornwall is beautiful but my heart remains in Ireland. I have never seen the Conor Pass without fog and rain! but have seen Co Kerry in the sunshine and there is no other place that I have ever been that compares to the beauty I saw there.
0yPcoaIbu |
hcMi8ezt 28.12.2015 |
The fog and rain are second narute to me as I"m in Cornwall Cornwall is beautiful but my heart remains in Ireland. I have never seen the Conor Pass without fog and rain! but have seen Co Kerry in the sunshine and there is no other place that I have ever been that compares to the beauty I saw there.
ERP8X8OckMcU |
fhF3PtR2 27.12.2015 |
You went for the jugular on that one Eoin, There"s been a lot of crazy crap going on in the States lalety that would make your joke seem almost believable with so many here ignorant and or ashamed of our country and its heritage as they wipe their bums with the Bill of Rights. I"ve got about six months of Gaeilge under my belt and strive to become fluent as an appreciation for all those that left their beautiful Eirinn by force or free will to come here and build this country I love. Go raibh maith agat, Eoin! Saoirse go brach!
mEzobqeDv0U |
v6RV8cUBK 14.02.2017 |
Comics are so extremely physcologically painful and mentally really so attractive about them,to me.That and the gorgeous really,the stories alone make me love comics <3 Wish I could own some real ones,like this series,but over in my country,all I can find are comics,which I love of course,but this is so much moaet.stimulr.ing.
mEzobqeDv0U |
v6RV8cUBK 14.02.2017 |
Comics are so extremely physcologically painful and mentally really so attractive about them,to me.That and the gorgeous really,the stories alone make me love comics <3 Wish I could own some real ones,like this series,but over in my country,all I can find are comics,which I love of course,but this is so much moaet.stimulr.ing.
4idC7UaTsv0 |
1jQ0MIGfjSmH 14.02.2017 |
That"s cleared my thoughts. Thanks for cotnirbuting.
4idC7UaTsv0 |
1jQ0MIGfjSmH 14.02.2017 |
That"s cleared my thoughts. Thanks for cotnirbuting.
4idC7UaTsv0 |
1jQ0MIGfjSmH 14.02.2017 |
That"s cleared my thoughts. Thanks for cotnirbuting.
ERP8X8OckMcU |
fhF3PtR2 27.12.2015 |
You went for the jugular on that one Eoin, There"s been a lot of crazy crap going on in the States lalety that would make your joke seem almost believable with so many here ignorant and or ashamed of our country and its heritage as they wipe their bums with the Bill of Rights. I"ve got about six months of Gaeilge under my belt and strive to become fluent as an appreciation for all those that left their beautiful Eirinn by force or free will to come here and build this country I love. Go raibh maith agat, Eoin! Saoirse go brach!
2kBse9dZ 14.02.2017 |
Great initiative Chris.However I don't think In N Out are operating in the same market segment as Byron , Hache or Hakhmsoor.Twey would certainly be top dog at the bottom end of the market that's for sure.
2kBse9dZ 14.02.2017 |
Great initiative Chris.However I don't think In N Out are operating in the same market segment as Byron , Hache or Hakhmsoor.Twey would certainly be top dog at the bottom end of the market that's for sure.
4UXmkcwZC |
bUqfVRJKZDFz 14.02.2017 |
Holy cosicne data batman. Lol!
4UXmkcwZC |
bUqfVRJKZDFz 14.02.2017 |
Holy cosicne data batman. Lol!
4UXmkcwZC |
bUqfVRJKZDFz 14.02.2017 |
Holy cosicne data batman. Lol!
ERP8X8OckMcU |
fhF3PtR2 27.12.2015 |
You went for the jugular on that one Eoin, There"s been a lot of crazy crap going on in the States lalety that would make your joke seem almost believable with so many here ignorant and or ashamed of our country and its heritage as they wipe their bums with the Bill of Rights. I"ve got about six months of Gaeilge under my belt and strive to become fluent as an appreciation for all those that left their beautiful Eirinn by force or free will to come here and build this country I love. Go raibh maith agat, Eoin! Saoirse go brach!
kW8QnfBmP |
SthoBgmLnU 14.02.2017 |
Utdanningen må være pådrivere for utvikling av praksis. Dette vil kanskje være en utfordring for utnejningsinstitusnonade som opererer i skjæringspunktet mellom idealene som ligger i de overordnede føringene og kravet om å utdanne yrkesutøvere som er klare for arbeid i en virkelighet langt fra de overordnede idealene (les situasjonen med utbygging av store boenheter).
kW8QnfBmP |
SthoBgmLnU 14.02.2017 |
Utdanningen må være pådrivere for utvikling av praksis. Dette vil kanskje være en utfordring for utnejningsinstitusnonade som opererer i skjæringspunktet mellom idealene som ligger i de overordnede føringene og kravet om å utdanne yrkesutøvere som er klare for arbeid i en virkelighet langt fra de overordnede idealene (les situasjonen med utbygging av store boenheter).
7PtKmjzjeQ81 |
NfExuiem 14.02.2017 |
If you"re looking to buy these arlectis make it way easier.
7PtKmjzjeQ81 |
NfExuiem 14.02.2017 |
If you"re looking to buy these arlectis make it way easier.
7PtKmjzjeQ81 |
NfExuiem 14.02.2017 |
If you"re looking to buy these arlectis make it way easier.
dzmyoFxv |
SpTtLlr4h8 28.12.2015 |
Fog makes everything seem quite mtiyersous, don"t you think? Your photos of the boat and the sunrise are both excellent. It"s so neat that you caught the sun right between those two trees, or are they bushes?.....I can"t really tell, but it does show your genius at what you do so well, picking your spot. Fog is good to look at but I certainly hate to drive in it. We don"t really have fog here in the desert, but when we go up north to visit our daughter, we often get fog. She lives near San Francisco. It can be very scary and dangerous too....we have had some pretty serious pile ups that we have fortunatley just missed, two or three, so hope you didn"t have to drive in dense fog.I haven"t blogged for almost three weeks, but I"m back now. I have just been so darned busy. We had three sets of company in that time and even though I love company, it can really wear me down. I likely won"t post much more often in the future, not because of being too busy, but there just isn"t anything that interesting to post about. I use my blog mostly as a journal and it"s not always that interesting to read someone else"s journal. I"m glad you come by though and I always love your remarks. What a lucky thing I ran into your blog...........Thanks Rune.
UTV3pXt7 |
M7lLQSMUX 14.02.2017 |
i never understood … i never understood the whole 25 chromosomes for vampires th28ngi30; how can adding venom to your system create a whole 2 new pairs? 0Was this answer helpful?
UTV3pXt7 |
M7lLQSMUX 14.02.2017 |
i never understood … i never understood the whole 25 chromosomes for vampires th28ngi30; how can adding venom to your system create a whole 2 new pairs? 0Was this answer helpful?
5bBaWVwU |
j8zUc52H 14.02.2017 |
This forum needed shinkag up and you"ve just done that. Great post!
5bBaWVwU |
j8zUc52H 14.02.2017 |
This forum needed shinkag up and you"ve just done that. Great post!
5bBaWVwU |
j8zUc52H 14.02.2017 |
This forum needed shinkag up and you"ve just done that. Great post!
dzmyoFxv |
SpTtLlr4h8 28.12.2015 |
Fog makes everything seem quite mtiyersous, don"t you think? Your photos of the boat and the sunrise are both excellent. It"s so neat that you caught the sun right between those two trees, or are they bushes?.....I can"t really tell, but it does show your genius at what you do so well, picking your spot. Fog is good to look at but I certainly hate to drive in it. We don"t really have fog here in the desert, but when we go up north to visit our daughter, we often get fog. She lives near San Francisco. It can be very scary and dangerous too....we have had some pretty serious pile ups that we have fortunatley just missed, two or three, so hope you didn"t have to drive in dense fog.I haven"t blogged for almost three weeks, but I"m back now. I have just been so darned busy. We had three sets of company in that time and even though I love company, it can really wear me down. I likely won"t post much more often in the future, not because of being too busy, but there just isn"t anything that interesting to post about. I use my blog mostly as a journal and it"s not always that interesting to read someone else"s journal. I"m glad you come by though and I always love your remarks. What a lucky thing I ran into your blog...........Thanks Rune.
vTMOT4zJ9N |
dMPOOF1qW3jv 14.02.2017 |
I think Jackman did an excellant job, and thought the movies were excellant. I had serious concerns about captain america and thor movies before they came out, for fear the charachter would come of as way to cheesy and campy on the bigscreen, but they came out great. I have no such fears about wolverine, he is probably the most &qeu&;Scruen-readytqoot; comic charachter of them all.
vTMOT4zJ9N |
dMPOOF1qW3jv 14.02.2017 |
I think Jackman did an excellant job, and thought the movies were excellant. I had serious concerns about captain america and thor movies before they came out, for fear the charachter would come of as way to cheesy and campy on the bigscreen, but they came out great. I have no such fears about wolverine, he is probably the most &qeu&;Scruen-readytqoot; comic charachter of them all.
k7PKumY9VcM |
AasMHqxF 14.02.2017 |
Hey, that"s the greteast! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
k7PKumY9VcM |
AasMHqxF 14.02.2017 |
Hey, that"s the greteast! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
k7PKumY9VcM |
AasMHqxF 14.02.2017 |
Hey, that"s the greteast! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
dzmyoFxv |
SpTtLlr4h8 28.12.2015 |
Fog makes everything seem quite mtiyersous, don"t you think? Your photos of the boat and the sunrise are both excellent. It"s so neat that you caught the sun right between those two trees, or are they bushes?.....I can"t really tell, but it does show your genius at what you do so well, picking your spot. Fog is good to look at but I certainly hate to drive in it. We don"t really have fog here in the desert, but when we go up north to visit our daughter, we often get fog. She lives near San Francisco. It can be very scary and dangerous too....we have had some pretty serious pile ups that we have fortunatley just missed, two or three, so hope you didn"t have to drive in dense fog.I haven"t blogged for almost three weeks, but I"m back now. I have just been so darned busy. We had three sets of company in that time and even though I love company, it can really wear me down. I likely won"t post much more often in the future, not because of being too busy, but there just isn"t anything that interesting to post about. I use my blog mostly as a journal and it"s not always that interesting to read someone else"s journal. I"m glad you come by though and I always love your remarks. What a lucky thing I ran into your blog...........Thanks Rune.
nQbJd6YE 14.02.2017 |
Z duzym zainteresowaniem przeczytalam wszystkie linki.Swietna robota.Wyglada na to, ze faktycznie nauczaniem historii wsrod mlodziezy zajma sie wkrotce organizacje kicz)owskie:b(slysial Pan o strajku glodowym w obronie nauczania historii w liceach?)
nQbJd6YE 14.02.2017 |
Z duzym zainteresowaniem przeczytalam wszystkie linki.Swietna robota.Wyglada na to, ze faktycznie nauczaniem historii wsrod mlodziezy zajma sie wkrotce organizacje kicz)owskie:b(slysial Pan o strajku glodowym w obronie nauczania historii w liceach?)
Tjaup3pU7NV |
fOoCqsA6I 14.02.2017 |
Suriirspngly well-written and informative for a free online article.
Tjaup3pU7NV |
fOoCqsA6I 14.02.2017 |
Suriirspngly well-written and informative for a free online article.
Tjaup3pU7NV |
fOoCqsA6I 14.02.2017 |
Suriirspngly well-written and informative for a free online article.
1zXI3eKa4wBj |
6bblhiwV5Y3 14.02.2017 |
I adloniitadly believe that mesothelioma cancer is a unusual form of many forms of cancer that is usually found in individuals previously exposed to asbestos. Cancerous cells form inside the mesothelium, which is a safety lining which covers almost all of the body’s bodily organs. These cells generally form while in the lining of the lungs, abdominal area, or the sac which actually encircles the heart. Thanks for discussing your ideas.
1zXI3eKa4wBj |
6bblhiwV5Y3 14.02.2017 |
I adloniitadly believe that mesothelioma cancer is a unusual form of many forms of cancer that is usually found in individuals previously exposed to asbestos. Cancerous cells form inside the mesothelium, which is a safety lining which covers almost all of the body’s bodily organs. These cells generally form while in the lining of the lungs, abdominal area, or the sac which actually encircles the heart. Thanks for discussing your ideas.
eGUchE2G0Di |
kgTviFADo 14.02.2017 |
This arlicte keeps it real, no doubt.
eGUchE2G0Di |
kgTviFADo 14.02.2017 |
This arlicte keeps it real, no doubt.
eGUchE2G0Di |
kgTviFADo 14.02.2017 |
This arlicte keeps it real, no doubt.
| |