The Sámi Act (Sameloven)
The purpose of the act is to enable Sami peoples in Norway the ability to safeguard and develop their language, culture and way of life.
General Policies
Chapter 1 of the Sami act covers general policies. There you find the purpose of the act - to enable the Sami people in Norway to safeguard and develop their language, culture and way of life.
The second and third policies cover the Sami Parliament and the annual report from the Sami Parliament.
The forth policy covers financial matters on the Sami Parliamentary elections. It outlines that the Norwegian state is responsible to cover extra expenses and costs that municipalities and counties have when arranging Sami parliament elections.
The fifth policy in this first chapter is about Sami language. There it is stated that “Sami and Norwegian languages are of equal status. They are equal as stated by the policies in chapter 3”. This means that even though the languages are of equal status, they are only equal in administrative areas for the Sami language. In the Education act and the Early-childhood act these municipalities are called “Sami districts”.
Special regulation states which municipalities are considered to be administrative areas for the Sami language.
Regulations about Administrative Areas for the Sami language
The sixth policy is about the Sami national flag. Responsibility rests with the Sami Parliament to decide when and how to use the Sami flag in Norway. The rules for the use of the Sami flag can be found in Regulations about the use of the Sami flag.
The Sami Parliament
Sami act chapter 2 covers the Sami Parliament. In this chapter you find the policies about the work and authority of the Sami Parliament. Here you find the policies regarding the Sami parliament election: the election process, election polls and parliament seats, what duties and rights the Sami parliament representatives have etc. Here you also find the policies regarding the Sami Parliament electoral register, and who can join the electoral-roll.
Regulations about the election to the Sami Parliament contains more information on policies regarding the Sami parliamentary election. Here you will find the policies about the registration of Sami political organisations, list-proposals and the review of these lists, pre election votes, etc.
In addition there is a special regulation that concerns the pension of the Sami Parliament representatives: Regulations about the pension of Sami Parliament representatives.
The Sami Language
As stated by chapter 3 of the act, everyone has a right to speak Sami and get services, in Sami, from public agencies in the administrative areas for the Sami language.
Enhanced right to use the Sami language in the judiciary (Sami Act § 3-4)
Everyone who lives in administrative areas for the Sami language have a right to use the Sami language in the judiciary. If there is a need for a translator, the court is responsible to find a translator. Case documents that are used in the court shall also be translated into Sami if one of the parties demands it.
Right to use the Sami language when meeting with the Police and Procuratorate (prosecuting authority) (Sami Act § 3-4)
Everyone who lives in Administrative areas for the Sami language have a right to use the Sami language when meeting the Police and Procuratorate. If there is a need for a translator, the government authorities are responsible to find a translator. Case papers must also be translated to Sami, if the person in question demands it.
Right to use the Sami language in Prisons and Correctional Institutions (Sami Act § 3-4)
Everyone who lives in Administrative areas for the Sami language have a right to use the Sami language when meeting employees from a prison or correctional institutions. If there is a need for a translator, the institutions are responsible to find a translator. Convicts also have a right to use Sami when talking to each other or their relatives.
Enhanced right to use the Sami language in health and social sectors (Sami Act § 3-5)
Everyone has a right to be serviced in the Sami language when meeting with health and social sectors in administrative areas for the Sami language.
Church services in the Sami language (Sami Act § 3-6)
Everyone has a right to get individual church services in the Sami language in administrative areas for the Sami language. This entails that people can’t demand to have the whole church sermon in Sami, but they can demand personal services to be in the Sami language; Christenings, weddings, communion, etc.
Right to Leave of absence for Educational Purposes (Sami Act § 3-7)
Employees in Administrative Areas for the Sami language have a right to take a leave of absence with pay to get more knowledge in the Sami language, whenever the need arises.
Right to education in the Sami language (Sami Act § 3-8)
Everyone has a right to be educated in Sami language. The Sami Act refers to the Education Act for rules of education.
Complaints (Sami Act § 3-11)
If a public agency fails to follow the rules set in this chapter the person who is directly affected can make a complaint to the immediate superior agency of the agency that is affected by the complaint. The county administrator is the complaint agency when the complaints regard municipal or county agencies.
Schemes, guidelines, information and announcements in the Sami language (Sami Act § 3-2 and 3-3)
These sections have regulations about translation of laws, guidelines, schemes, etc., to Sami. The regulation in the Sami Act § 3-3 obliges public institutions to answer all requests in Sami, both written and oral.
In addition to the municipalities and counties there are also some state institutions that are required to translate rules, etc., to Sami and are required to answer any inquiries in Sami - the Sami Parliament, Sami College, County Administrators reindeer husbandry department, state Sami schools (Upper secondary schools in Kautokeino and Karasjok and Hattfjelldal Sami School).
The Norwegian Environment Agency and the University of Tromso must translate announcements, etc., to Sami. They are also required to answer all written inquiries in Sami.
Sami in municipal management (Sami Act § 3-9)
The municipal council can decide for the Sami language to be equal with Norwegian, in all or parts of the municipal administration. After which, all case files can be in Sami and Norwegian.