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Sápmi Talent 2013

GOVVEN bargobáji govat

Jeagilveagi geasseleaira 8.-10.8.2012
Vuolgge fárrui mearragáddái
Sámi Siida lágida mátkki Guolleveadjái Bearralvági gielddas suoidnemánu 6.-8. beaivvi 2010 (maŋŋebárga -duorastat). Mátkkis oahpásmuvvat sámi kulturmuittuide, dálá mearrasámi eallimii ja mearraluossabivdui. Lea maid vejolaš bivdit mearraguliid ja návddašit earenoamᚠluonddu.

Maŋŋebárgga suoidnemánu 6. beaivvi
Dii 10.00 Vuolgga Ohcejogas
Dii 13.00 Beaivemállásat Čuovgatoartnas “Kjølnes fyr” –nammasaš báikkis. Vejolašvuohta goargŋut čuovgatordnii.
Yngve Johansen muitala Sámi kulturmuittuid ja báikenamaid birra Rákkonjárggas
Dii 15.00-17.00: Sámi kulturmuittuide oahpásmuvvan mátkkis Guolleveadjái.
Dii 17.00: Joavdat Guolleveadjái. Cegget lávu ja málestit. Vejolaš váccašit, bivdit mearas, oahpásmuvvat fievrái ja dán báikki historjái. Beassá maid fárrui oahppat luossafirpmiid ja gullat mearraluossabivddu birra

Gaskavahku suoidnemánu 7. beaivvi
Iđđedis: Oahppat luossafirpmiid
Beaivet guhkibuš vázzinmátkki sámi kulturmuittuide. Uhcit mánáide buđaldeamit Guolleveajis.
Eahkedis luossabassin ja buđaldeamit fiervvás. Mearrabivdu. Luossafirpmiid oahppan.

Duorastat suoidnemánu 8. beaivvi
Iđitbeaivvi: Oahppat luossafirpmiid ja gullat eanet mearraluossabivddu birra. Čorgen ja vuolgga Bearralváhkái.
Dii 13.00: Beaivemállásat Bearralvágis
Dii 14.00: Ruoktomátki

Geavatlaš ᚚit
Čuovgatoardna “Kjølnes fyr” lea 8 km ovdal Bearralvági. Doppe mii deaivvadit iežamet dálloisidiin ja ofelaččain Yngve Johanseniin. Maŋŋá vuodjit Guolleveadjái mii lea 20 km Bearralvágis oarjjás Deanuvuona gáttis. Guolleveadji ges lea dološ mearrasámi giláš. Dál ii ása oktage doppe dálvit, muhto geassit báiki ealáska go luossabivdit, bartaoamasteaddjit ja muhtin turisttat bohtet dohko.

Guolleveajis mii orrut tealttáin ja lávuin Yngve giettis. Sus lea maid stohpu doppe mii lei su áhku-guoktá ássanbáiki. Yngve hállá sámegiela, ja dovdá iežas guovllu historjjá, kulturmuittuid ja sámi báikenamaid earenoamᚠbures.

Bajábeale prográmma ii leat menddo čavga, ja visot doaimmat ja dáhpáhusat leat dálkkis gitta. Rittus sáhttá dieđusge leat garra biegga. Omd mearrabivdu fatnasis ja firpmiid oahppan dáhpáhuvvá dalle go lea vejolaš.

Guovllu kulturmuittut leat máŋggaláganat. Gonagasgárdi – goahti mas leat 17 lanja – lea okta dain. Leat maid sieiddit ja ássanbáikkit geađgeáiggi rájes gitta ođđasut áiggi rádjái. Yngve ges lea bidjan searaid čohkket guovllu sámegiela báikenamaid ja oažžut daid oidnosii. Oasi daid kulturmuittuin son lea lohpidan čájehit midjiide.

Guolleveajis ii leat el-rávdnji. Čázi viežžá jávrris ja boares stobus lea olgohivsset. Eaige giehtatelefovnnat doibmet nu beare bures.

Borramuš: Sámi Siida fállá borramuša. Dušše jos leat earenoamᚠborramušdárbbut ferte ieš váldit fárrui. Doaivvu mielde lea mis vejolašvuohtage bassit varas luosa fiervvás.
Idjadeapmi: Sámi Siiddas lea guokte lávu fárus. Lea vejolaš idjadit doppe. Muđui ávžžuhit váldit tealttáid fárrui.

Sáhttu/johtin: Mii johtit biillaiguin. Sámi Siida máksá km-buhtadusa KELA mávssuid mielde sullii 20 sentte kilomehteris. Váldde oktavuođa Torkel Rasmusseniin jos dárbbašat sáhtu ja muđuige soahpat vuodjima birra.

Guollebivdu: Bivdu mearas lea nuvttá ja friddja. Sáhttá šlivget gáttis dahje vuolgit Yngve fatnasiin bivdit. Váldde ieš fárrui stákkuid ja eará dárbašiid. Jávrebivdui dárbbaša sihke stáhtakoartta ja guolástanlobi Bearralvági bivdosearvvis. Váldde oktavuođa Torkeliin jos dárbbaša veahki háhkat dákkár lobiid.

Biktasat: Lieggabiktasiid lassin muitte gummegápmagiid ja govddodanliivvaid.
Dieđiheapmi ja gažaldagat

Lea bággu almmuhit jos áiggut fárrui riddomátkái. Áigemearri 03.07. 2010.

Jos leat gažaldagat, de válddes oktavuođa: Torkel Rasmussen, tlf 016 677 822, 040 41 870 40. E-poasta:


Čujuhus dahje epoasta
ix8FyYIf   WxIhaO1h 27.10.2015
Hola SantiGracias por tu comentario, me argleo de que te guste el blog. En cuanto al ritmo de publicacif3n, pretendo seguir me1s o menos ased mientras no se me agoten las ideas (me parece que aun tengo algo de margen).Por cierto, he estado viendo la baca pop y me ha gustado. Ya la he puesto entre mis enlaces, la intentare9 seguir regularmente.Saludos
H7H6qAS1fq9   15j6lC8rO 14.02.2017
According to a bloomberg article today -“Those taking advantage of the government discount plan to drive their new vehicles an average of 11,000 miles a year, up from the 6,000 average miles the clunkers were driven last year,according to a survey released today by CNW Research, an industry-analysis firm based in Bandon, Or182n.&#go2e;Sweet. Should rename the bill “Cash for Car Dealers” because that’s about the only group benefitting from this.
H7H6qAS1fq9   15j6lC8rO 14.02.2017
According to a bloomberg article today -“Those taking advantage of the government discount plan to drive their new vehicles an average of 11,000 miles a year, up from the 6,000 average miles the clunkers were driven last year,according to a survey released today by CNW Research, an industry-analysis firm based in Bandon, Or182n.&#go2e;Sweet. Should rename the bill “Cash for Car Dealers” because that’s about the only group benefitting from this.
z7qamxpvK   rpzjX4L7 14.02.2017
I love reading these articles because they"re short but inefmrativo.
z7qamxpvK   rpzjX4L7 14.02.2017
I love reading these articles because they"re short but inefmrativo.
z7qamxpvK   rpzjX4L7 14.02.2017
I love reading these articles because they"re short but inefmrativo.
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
ix8FyYIf   WxIhaO1h 27.10.2015
Hola SantiGracias por tu comentario, me argleo de que te guste el blog. En cuanto al ritmo de publicacif3n, pretendo seguir me1s o menos ased mientras no se me agoten las ideas (me parece que aun tengo algo de margen).Por cierto, he estado viendo la baca pop y me ha gustado. Ya la he puesto entre mis enlaces, la intentare9 seguir regularmente.Saludos
Bqeb5kus   VTARkGAcaMzx 27.12.2015
Som regel kan du bare tilsette noen sejkpssier sukker og noen egg for ca. en liter deig. Ha i nok melk til at den fe5r riktig konsistens. Stek i vaffeljern, smurt form i ovn eller i stekepanne. Du kan ogse5 bruke deigen til gulrotkake eller krydderkake. Selv om selve deigen er ganske sur, forsvinner dette under steking og gir istede en behagelig syrlighet som i kefir o.l. @Aud I Aftenposten var det en litt forenklet utgave, men har du bobler har du liv. Det du trenger e5 gjf8re er e5 bruke mindre vann, slik at boblene hever deigen istedefor e5 gli uforhindret gjennom.
Bqeb5kus   VTARkGAcaMzx 27.12.2015
Som regel kan du bare tilsette noen sejkpssier sukker og noen egg for ca. en liter deig. Ha i nok melk til at den fe5r riktig konsistens. Stek i vaffeljern, smurt form i ovn eller i stekepanne. Du kan ogse5 bruke deigen til gulrotkake eller krydderkake. Selv om selve deigen er ganske sur, forsvinner dette under steking og gir istede en behagelig syrlighet som i kefir o.l. @Aud I Aftenposten var det en litt forenklet utgave, men har du bobler har du liv. Det du trenger e5 gjf8re er e5 bruke mindre vann, slik at boblene hever deigen istedefor e5 gli uforhindret gjennom.
Bqeb5kus   VTARkGAcaMzx 27.12.2015
Som regel kan du bare tilsette noen sejkpssier sukker og noen egg for ca. en liter deig. Ha i nok melk til at den fe5r riktig konsistens. Stek i vaffeljern, smurt form i ovn eller i stekepanne. Du kan ogse5 bruke deigen til gulrotkake eller krydderkake. Selv om selve deigen er ganske sur, forsvinner dette under steking og gir istede en behagelig syrlighet som i kefir o.l. @Aud I Aftenposten var det en litt forenklet utgave, men har du bobler har du liv. Det du trenger e5 gjf8re er e5 bruke mindre vann, slik at boblene hever deigen istedefor e5 gli uforhindret gjennom.
OA2XFdlyR4e   YZ1sxwG2LZ 28.12.2015
As a marketing peosrn for 20 years I can never over emphasize the importance of learning and becoming proficient in marketing. Successful people always move from the doer of the thing to the marketer of the thing. Jacob"s book is an excellent overview of becoming the marketer of the thing your business. From networking to social media, Jacob connects the dots for cross channel marketing. Great value for any business.
OA2XFdlyR4e   YZ1sxwG2LZ 28.12.2015
As a marketing peosrn for 20 years I can never over emphasize the importance of learning and becoming proficient in marketing. Successful people always move from the doer of the thing to the marketer of the thing. Jacob"s book is an excellent overview of becoming the marketer of the thing your business. From networking to social media, Jacob connects the dots for cross channel marketing. Great value for any business.
OA2XFdlyR4e   YZ1sxwG2LZ 28.12.2015
As a marketing peosrn for 20 years I can never over emphasize the importance of learning and becoming proficient in marketing. Successful people always move from the doer of the thing to the marketer of the thing. Jacob"s book is an excellent overview of becoming the marketer of the thing your business. From networking to social media, Jacob connects the dots for cross channel marketing. Great value for any business.
ShEMMsQohZx   eZ0VKVqi 14.02.2017
Becky, I’d chalk that up to Flynn being literary rather than Flynn being SciFi. I think PW called him “Hard SciFi” which is when things can get string theory complicated. I like that kind of stuff, thhuHh.geatoer, thanks for the links! That idea about sentimentality is worth mulling over quite a bit.I’ll skim through the book to find another passage that isn’t quite so complex. I liked this one because it was so rich. But that makes it hard outside of the larger context.
ShEMMsQohZx   eZ0VKVqi 14.02.2017
Becky, I’d chalk that up to Flynn being literary rather than Flynn being SciFi. I think PW called him “Hard SciFi” which is when things can get string theory complicated. I like that kind of stuff, thhuHh.geatoer, thanks for the links! That idea about sentimentality is worth mulling over quite a bit.I’ll skim through the book to find another passage that isn’t quite so complex. I liked this one because it was so rich. But that makes it hard outside of the larger context.
VOcP7zNP   9BY1n4qOa1 14.02.2017
That"s an expert answer to an intsneetirg question
VOcP7zNP   9BY1n4qOa1 14.02.2017
That"s an expert answer to an intsneetirg question
VOcP7zNP   9BY1n4qOa1 14.02.2017
That"s an expert answer to an intsneetirg question
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
ix8FyYIf   WxIhaO1h 27.10.2015
Hola SantiGracias por tu comentario, me argleo de que te guste el blog. En cuanto al ritmo de publicacif3n, pretendo seguir me1s o menos ased mientras no se me agoten las ideas (me parece que aun tengo algo de margen).Por cierto, he estado viendo la baca pop y me ha gustado. Ya la he puesto entre mis enlaces, la intentare9 seguir regularmente.Saludos
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
hz89qmWFUzV   GAKoWcrkiA9 14.02.2017
Thank you for the sensible critique. Me & my neighbor were just preparing to do some research about this. We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more from this post. I am very glad to see such wonderful inmrofation being shared freely out there.
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
hz89qmWFUzV   GAKoWcrkiA9 14.02.2017
Thank you for the sensible critique. Me & my neighbor were just preparing to do some research about this. We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more from this post. I am very glad to see such wonderful inmrofation being shared freely out there.
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
C9RbGvBH   k2Tzkqw2 14.02.2017
Shoot, who would have thgohut that it was that easy?
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
C9RbGvBH   k2Tzkqw2 14.02.2017
Shoot, who would have thgohut that it was that easy?
Vástit dán cealkámuššii
C9RbGvBH   k2Tzkqw2 14.02.2017
Shoot, who would have thgohut that it was that easy?
Vástit dán cealkámuššii